This chapter (and probably all of the translations from 2018) could really use a do over. For the most part this translation has been comprehensible if occasionally confusingly worded and overall somewhat strangely phrased. However with this chapter some parts are completely incomprehensible, specifically page 19 second panel left bubble and the final bubble on page 21. I just can't figure out what's being said there. On top of that there are far more mistakes with page 23 using the obscure word "immanent" which makes no sense in context, it probably should've been "intimidating". There are also more instances of bafflingly strange wording and grammatical errors compared to previous chapters. All in all one of the most frustrating chapters I've tried to read in some time.
I get that this is a free translation of a generic isekai manga and all, but at some point no translation is better than one made by someone (or in this case multiple people, unless the proofreader didn't bother reading it) with little to no understanding of the english language.