@Aichan Yeah, it's obviously a matter of opinion and i believe that we're only having a constructive and brain-stimulant discussion
But again...i feel like you are underestimating the dragon here....ok, you're right, the village has no power whatsoever and we can say it's deadweight in case of "war"
And you're also right that shit kinda hit the fan with just a necromancer....but i want to point out that the necromancer is a high level "pawn" in the empire army...you can't compare him/her with normal soldiers...and i don't even think it's possible for the normal army to reach the village before MC hop on the dragon, flies to the empire, makes scorched earth (also because the main force is marching towards the village), re-hop on the dragon and flies back to the village to finish the show....
Even if, and i say IF, this necromancer escape now and regroup with the magician woman and the big dude, i don't think they have enough magic/items to teleport an entire army....while, i repeat, MC can ride a huge dragon, soar the skies and unleash god's wrath on his enemies....after that, the queen and the other countries/kingdoms/whatever rulers could only present themselves to MC while crawling on the ground
Plus, iirc, the queen was shown for the first time while mc was returning from a kingdom, where he announced the creation of his country and showed his power by cracking the castle wall (or was it the town entrance wall?...idk) with a punch...so it's not only her that knows of MC situation and power
So i say, kudos to you for making all this comparison, shows you are a f'ing big brain (and i swear i'm making a compliment)...but there is too much fantasy to try to force real life thinking in here....and i don't even know why we're still doing it when most of the complaints were about the fact that a raging OP MC was stopped from going full nuke on an empire by the words of a loli that has no other roles in the story if not being the Jiminy Cricket and making some jokes here and there....i guess it's just too nice to have a good conversation/discussion every now and then