Sekai Saikyou no Assassin, Isekai Kizoku ni Tensei Suru - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.1

Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@Kanol: Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that nobody else could. And to preempt your most probable response, no, just because you may find it creepy that a person could actually like this doesn't necessarily that said person is creepy and disgusting for liking it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
She's too valuable of a resource; fake her death, keep her beholden to Tuatha Dé, gain a formidable ally, and find out why the kingdom (or dukedom) that asked for the killing finds them such a threat to the fabric of society.
Cos if this goes against the code of the Tuatha Dé, I really don't see it going well for the group making the request...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@MarqFJA87 Yeah, you can stop trying to respond to things I didn't say and then predictive straw-maning me. And to preempt your most probably response, no I don't want to see the video you made of you farting in your own mouth through an antique hearing aid. The point isn't whether people can enjoy it. The point is that when an author decides to have his characters act out fetishes, they do so at the cost of making those characters not act like real human people. You know, it's like that scene in hamlet where Ophelia kills herself with tiny flails clamped to her nipples because Shakespeare thought that'd be hot. No wait, that didn't happen because it'd be weird and tonally out of place.

There were more pages devoted to this than anything that moved the story along, or any previous characterization of Ethliu. But then some of those earlier were her asking Cain to suck on her tits, so at least it's consistent Fetish Flanderization. I seriously don't give jack if you jack it to this, it doesn't stop it from being unfunny to me personally and poor story telling generally in the same vein as any other lucky pervert trope.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@Kanol: And there you go with portraying your subjective opinions as objective fact. Who died and crowned you as infallible judge of what is and isn't poor storytelling?

Also, pot calling the kettle black on the "respond to things I didn't say", because I never said anything about anyone jacking off to this; one can enjoy raunchy comedy without getting turned on by it.


Jan 16, 2019
How far the raws got? I tried to find it on my usual source, but I don't find it.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@MarqFJA87 You know, I never got the name but they had a VERY nice hat. Poor story telling exists. You don't need an appeal to authority to point out that a one color painting is bland, or that a one dimensional character is boring or that shit is not a good topping for oatmeal. Unless you enjoy all those things all those things, I guess. In which case when someone comes along and says "Oh god that smells like shit" you don't yell "Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that nobody else could!" you just give a big goofy shit eating grin and say "YEP! Deee-ICIOUS!".

Sorry, was that last one too subtle, or do you actually have a fart funnel video you'd like to share? Because that was the point.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
the fat merchant is actually a competent merchant
who'da thought
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@Kanol: From my perspective, you're loudly insisting that something is literal feces when all of my senses and other objective facts tell me that it's just a chocolate-based food item, and is in no way remotely similar to the last pile of actual feces that I've had the dubious "pleasure" of seeing and smelling. That the quality of the chocolate in question may be questionable doesn't change the fact that it's innocent of your accusations.

Just because you believe that something is objectively shit (metaphorically or literally) doesn't guarantee that said belief is correct. Same goes with storytelling quality; where people put the boundary between "poor writing" and "not poor writing" can vary wildly, even among professional critics. And AFAIK, you're a mere amateur.

That's why no single individual can have indisputable say over determining the quality of a work, and why you have no right to portray your assessment of the work or your own credibility as absolute and unchallengeable. You don't earn yourself any favor by acting like a sanctimonious know-it-all.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
Please go into greater detail about this "last pile of actual feces" as it was apparently pretty notable. Did it have corn? You've already given it so much more character depth than Ethliu!

Again, an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy and you shouldn't lean into it like that. For the record I did not in fact kill the infallible judge of storytelling for the shiny crown he apparently wore for some reason. Maybe he was a crooked pageant judge that crowned himself? But he's infallible so he must have been right to do so. My condolences to his family. I feel like you may have taken me literally on that point.
Double-page supporter
Feb 7, 2019
Thank you guys for the translation!
And, no problemo with the delays, if time you need to release, time you should have.
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
What the? Request for Assassination of his master and the girl that help him learn magic? Now why would you accept that kind of request?
Apr 11, 2020
I'd like to chime in, @MarqFJA87, the point of the criticism @Kanol seems to be making is towards the sexual fetishization the author seems to be inserting to pander to, arguably, those with less than upstanding moral character. I'm of the opinion to agree that it takes away from the actual storytelling aspect and can be displeasing to read. I'm also of the opinion that open sexual fetishization without criticism leads to moral depravity. In childhood you learn the difference between right and wrong, but if others are not allowed to give their criticism, how can people not amend their character? I reread @Kanol's first comment, and they do not openly criticize readers, but the author. Who, might I add, should be subject to criticism in order to improve. I personally don't detect their comments as portraying anything objectively. Their claims that the work is poor storytelling is also an opinion, but instead you seem to believe that is presented as other than that. It should be implied without saying that statements made by people not presenting factual evidence are subjective, and how they are presenting their argument does not make it any less valid. I should also add that there are no barriers of entry in the manga industry aside from convincing a company to publish a series. If you also think about the aspects of storytelling, such as immersion, what they had pointed out can certainly break a reader's immersion, simply because it is out of the norm. Immersion would certainly be one criteria which would indicate whether storytelling is done well. Breaking such an immersion to enhance storytelling is one thing, but the manga does seem to be breaking immersion consistently for the sake of pandering, etcetera.
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@llazyllama: Your argument falls apart when you consider that this manga is not intended for reading by children or even teenagers in the first place. It's classified as targeting the seinen demographic, i.e. men in their late teens to their 30s. If you're worried about people within that age bracket being easily susceptible to "moral corruption" by non-mainstream sexual themes, then there must be something very wrong.

Your argument is also shot in the foot by your a priori assumption that the "pandering" is towards people with "less than upstanding moral character". You basically decided that liking fictional incest and lolicon alone automatically imply immorality, using the same "violent media turn people into violent criminals" bullshit logic that moral guardians so often use to attack action movies and video games with uncensored violence and killing (Grand Theft Auto being an infamous case), even when there's no credible study to support such a notion.

Everything else you said I've already addressed in a past comment here, whether it's a new thing (like the immersion complaint) or not (the alleged poor storytelling), so I will not repeat myself besides saying "you're mistaking what is subjective as being objective".

Overall, you wasted not only my time with your chiming in, but yours as well.

PS: Oh, and Kanol, if you're reading this... fuck you. I'm no longer humoring you, vulgar-mouthed and holier-than-thou as you are.
Apr 11, 2020
@MarqFJA87 wow, you really missed the point. Fyi I know this is seinen, and you're acting as if adults can't learn. It's not about easy susceptibility to moral corruption, which isn't even my argument (i.e. you really do enjoy strawman arguments huh?), it's about how degeneracy is being normalized.

The fact that you don't think people who are lolicons, who are essentially pedophiles, have problems, speaks volumes about your character. People should admit to their problems and seek help if they fetishize children fictional or not, it's disgusting and the reason why even fictional child porn is illegal in some countries.

You seem like the type of person who instead of focusing on self reflection or any form of self improvement, insists society is all wrong and should bend to your standards.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@llazyllama I appreciate that you can tell that there's a difference between the arguments I've made and the ones someone imagined I've made because they want to win an argument against their imagination. I was mostly commenting on the fact that the character is incredibly boring and unrealistic. It's like having a character wander into scenes and slap people with a tuna at complete random and do nothing else. I might start thinking that tuna slapping is some kind of weird fetish of the authors, but even if that's not the case the character adds nothing but dead panels to the story because they don't exist in the story outside the context of random tuna slap.

@MarqFJA87 - No I still find this fairly humorous in a schaden kinda way. You are okay with violence and scoff at degeneracy, but a 'foul mouth' offends you? If everything's subjective then why are you even mad? Why would you ever assume that anything anyone's said was being spoken as objective truth. Isn't that fully on you and how you're interpreting things? Who's really acting sanctimonious here? Honestly man, I think you're projecting a lot on to me.
Active member
Feb 13, 2018
And in this comment section, we have one person that's creeped out by the Japanese sexualizing children, and several pedophiles desperately attempting to defend their criminal mental illnesses.

At least the plot finally progressed somewhat.

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