@mommunism you literally said it wasnt their fault. quite literally commented none of it was their fault. thats exactly what you asked me to show. what are you actually asking for since ive shown multiple times in my comments it was their fault and you ignored it or blamed the mercs anyways. the points i want you to engage on are actually the best proof of the knights being at fault but youre just running away from it. do you even remember what you wrote? no do you actually remember? ive quoted what you asked for and you said you were asking for something else entirely. something which isnt possible unless youre trolling or forgot what you actually wrote.
I haven't once denied that both sides share SOME blame, your comprehension skills are just utter dogshit.
Try to quote me saying that, please.
I don't understand how you can possibly realize I've said both sides are at fault and then manage to fabricate that I believe the opposite without a shred of evidence." ya but my evidence is literally me quoting you saying they werent at fault and you denying thats worth anything all because for 1 comment out of the rest you finally admitted to them being
somewhat at fault
well prior to page 5 all of your comments were about its the mercs fault, and brushing off anything the knights did with "ya but the mercs should have just____" the example of this is telling the knights the information about the monster when the knights knew nothing about it. or, the mercs should have just worked with the knights even though the knight's leaders didnt see the need to work with them. only on page 5 did you finally admit to the knights sharing blame but the mercs were more at fault then the knights and now youre back to saying none of it is their fault by demanding i prove something ive done this ENTIRE conversation. .
here, i know your memory is bad so ill quote you again on that. "I said your argument did not support any of it being their fault." my entire argument is about the knights being at fault just as much if not more then the mercs, so is everyone else you tried to start this argument with but then ignored when they brought up the exact same points i did and now where you are once again claiming theyre not at fault. how are you going to sit here saying i need to prove something you admitted to? this is exactly what im talking about when i said you admitted it but still refused it. if you think none of my comments supported it being the knights fault then you either didnt read what i wrote or youre are just trolling. both of which are entirely possible. weird how me trying to push you on these points you rage quit and start insulting my intelligence. so weird how that happens. your refusing to engage on these points is why i called you a troll and now the little baby troll is raging all because i pushed you on some points you couldnt answer or it would make your precious knights look bad.
my ENTIRE arguments have been why the knights were at fault, something youve admitted to only after two pages of just blaming the mercs.
" low-effort ultimatums " you mean the exact thing you did to get out of an argument you cant win? ok cool nice to see the double standards are in full swing. now run off somewhere else to troll people ^,^ you were so biased against the mc you have 2 pages of comments only saying its the mercs fault and trying to brush off the knights doing anything when pushed on it and now here you are back to denying they did anything as if the comments on page 5 where you finally admitted to them doing things dont exist.
^,^ its unfortunate youre not longer having fun with your trolly argument and had to resort to insults. im actually quite enjoying it. even you saying you wont engage any more but keep going has been fun

so why is your ultimatum more important at ending the conversation then mine was? did you even read mine? somehow i doubt you did as it seems like youre not reading all or even most of the comments. so have fun trying to make yourself feel superior after losing what could have been a very easy argument to end with mutual disagreement had you stopped at the start of page 5 instead of losing it, forgetting what you wrote, changing your argument, being a troll in general. you know if you dont want to discuss this with me how about continuing your argument with the other two that brought up the points proving the knights are more at fault then the mercs? maybe your get better conversations out of them instead of me since im just so stupid and crushed you on this XD