@yohane @RayS @nobaka
It's not that she's getting smaller: her size changes according to panels and comedic needs.
If we suppose Senpai's 210 cm tall (that's huge, yeah, but if he was any smaller that'd make her even shorter), just in this extra we have:
page 1: she's about 120 cm, and the friends are about 170-180 cm (yeah, quite tall for japanese people).
page 4: she's half the other girls, 90 cm at most (lol)
page 5: it depends: if Senpai's sitting down she's around 80 cm, if he's up straight (quite strange for a beach umbrella to be this tall) she's about 150 cm (unless she has the other foot over something, or she's doing a flying kick)
page 10: she's around 130-140 cm
I feel stupid for wasting my time with this. ?