Senpai is an Otokonoko - Ch. 100 - Sunny Day

Dex-chan lover
Jun 15, 2020
banger finale, story, plot progression, and moe were all wondrous! but fr you're right it needed just a few more scoops of actual intimacy.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
I actually liked the absolute lack of the usual focus on intimacy so many romance manga go for. Instead this manga could focus on all the emotional aspects, as well as the many non-romantic problems that life offers.
Plus, there isn't much time for intimacy, considering that like all but 4 chapters don't have a confirmed relationship. It'd be weird for Makoto and Ryuji to, like, kiss or something during that very brief period of time they're "going out".
The ending turning positive feels out of nowhere. Aoi's sudden lack of interest in Makoto is as weird as its vanishment just in time for the happy ending. I half expected it to end in the trio staying friends or even splitting up, each remaining unsatisfied, and tbh I'd be okay with that. Maybe it's just me, but the manga kinda held a great melancholic tone throughout. It felt very real, except for the few weird moments.
Active member
Jun 2, 2023
I actually liked the absolute lack of the usual focus on intimacy so many romance manga go for. Instead this manga could focus on all the emotional aspects, as well as the many non-romantic problems that life offers.
Plus, there isn't much time for intimacy, considering that like all but 4 chapters don't have a confirmed relationship. It'd be weird for Makoto and Ryuji to, like, kiss or something during that very brief period of time they're "going out".
The ending turning positive feels out of nowhere. Aoi's sudden lack of interest in Makoto is as weird as its vanishment just in time for the happy ending. I half expected it to end in the trio staying friends or even splitting up, each remaining unsatisfied, and tbh I'd be okay with that. Maybe it's just me, but the manga kinda held a great melancholic tone throughout. It felt very real, except for the few weird moments.
True I’d rather they keep a melancholic tone than change to this or have them show intimacy if they decide to make it a happy ending. This just feels like halfway between two endings. Still like this manga tho
Group Leader
May 8, 2023
Well I came into this expecting a short ecchi manga but instead I got this
Good shit
Double-page supporter
Jan 27, 2023
Makoto looks beautiful in the last shot

Also, this whole thing really made me question myself. So yeah, we'll see if I come to the same conclusion as Makoto in a few years.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2023
Surely there's gonna be an extra with their life after 10 years
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
I love ambiguous endings in high school romances, since high school couples almost never make it. They go off to different colleges or find different life courses and drift apart. Also, people grow up and change more in the years after high school. Ending with a confession and "they were happy together forever" is weak.

Romance was a plot element but I think this story is about finding yourself.
Now let's have some spin-off chapters for closure!
Jul 28, 2019
I want to see more about Makoto and Aoi... They're just start dating when the manga end ;w; i'm happy, but i want to see them more really 😭💕
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2023
I love ambiguous endings in high school romances, since high school couples almost never make it. They go off to different colleges or find different life courses and drift apart. Also, people grow up and change more in the years after high school. Ending with a confession and "they were happy together forever" is weak.

Romance was a plot element but I think this story is about finding yourself.
Now let's have some spin-off chapters for closure!
I hate ambigous endings and the "they were happy together forever." But if I have to choose I would choose the latter unless there was a thematic reason for having aan ambigous ending. I want the full detailed story of a charecter or cast of charecters from birth to death, and there death is the ending with hints of the children or grand children having there own story. The closest fictionalstories that have come to that are maquia and Mushoko Tensei.
Double-page supporter
Dec 1, 2023
Read it in basicly one go and I spent the entire series crying and thinking "I just want them to be happy".
Love the work, happy it exists, but I should really remember from now on to avoid gender-related drama series. they hit too close to home
Feb 23, 2024
When i started reading this it was one of my favorites. But this ending and all the chapters leading up to it have been dissapointing and terrible. Not mad but extremely dissapointed. because of that im giving it 2/10 for SHATTERING my expectations. Everything was looking fine until unexplained Aoi san relationship. Could have atleast explained it a bit better.
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Apr 15, 2019
These series did a fantastic job setting up interesting conflicts for characters internally and externally, but completely floundered when it came to exploring those conflicts. I wanted to like it so much more than I actually did.
Apr 19, 2024
Started really great, but all the melodrama and conflict between the characters felt so random and forced. It was like the author wanted to write as little happy moments between them all as they could. Honestly I wouldn't mind if that tone was set from the start, but this began as what was clearly a romance story between Makoto and Aoi, only to spend 90% of the story having them barely speak to each other. I guess I just wish it could've picked a direction, because this happy ending just doesn't hold much emotional weight, considering Aoi didn't even seem to like Makoto for the last half.
Apr 25, 2024
I really really loved this manga. However, as others pointed out already, it has a few issues. The romance wasn't really good, honestly, just leaving it out completely would have been better instead of making it so confusing and unsatisfying. I also feel like Makoto's grandfather should have played a bigger role. His reveal was a huge surprise for me and really added on the backstory of his mother. Speaking of Makoto's mother, I feel like there wasn't really a satisfying ending to her "conflict" with Makoto. Don't get me wrong, the chapter where she went shopping with him was really good and tbh, my favorite chapter. But just one more chapter where she really tells him that she accepts him would have been better.
Overall, a great manga, the ending just feels a bit rushed, and for me, it feels like the story isn't really concluded, just a few more chapters that tie up lose ends would have made a huuuge difference.
I'm still glad I read this, even though the ending was kinda unsatisfying, it's a serious story on crossdressing which I never saw before and it's honestly really interesting.
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Apr 15, 2018
The art and characters had great starts but the writer failed to dig in and offer satisfying conclusions to pretty much every single character.

Grandpa Crossdresser - Failed to bury the hatchet with the daughter (makato's mom). He was the most interesting twist in the story and I feel like it would've been cool to have seen the character be repaired through Makato, etc. Maybe do something with that dress that was on display in his home? Very negative and dissatisfying end for him as he walked into the abyss.​
Makatos mom - I feel like there wasn't a satisfying repair between her and makato. The shopping scene was very good and it could've concluded just fine right there. The writer chose otherwise and the next best moment was when makato walked into the home dressed up still, but even still the mother just awkwardly walked away. Disappointing.​
The Bully - I feel like even here the writer failed to bury the hatchet between makato and him.​
Makatos Glasses gal-friend, and whats his name - I actually think there was a satisfying conclusion here, she repaired the bridge with makato becoming friends again and ended up liking whats his name again who liked her. Rare W.​
The Best Friend (Ruuji) - The writer and author screwed this character and turned him into a third wheel to launch Aoi ship which didn't seem to be convincingly sailing until the very final chapters. Bro literally held a photograph of makato sleeping, and was there for makato through all the darkest times. Only to lose makato to Aoi who showed up in the final year. Ruuji got screwed by the writer and author and had a rather dissatisfying end.​
Aoi - Not much to say, didn't hate the character but also didn't overly like that much. Did she really like Makato though? It was only until her friends bonked her head on the final chapters that she randomly decided to like Makato again. She got an okay ending, but I can see the ship sinking in the future if the story continues beyond.​
Makato - I kind of wanted to see the character grow a bit more, to dive into cuter things, like grandpa crossdressers dress (maybe show em wearing it once), or dive into more makeup, go deeper. He never seriously looked in Ruujis way at all which is disappointing, not even to officially sink the ship. The relationship between him and Aoi felt forced by the writer & author. There's no doubt that Ruuji liked Makato, but there was serious doubt all throughout that Aoi actually cared about Makato. I feel rather dissatisfied.​

The art has been consistent and top-notch quality so props to the artist. The writer & author's strongest point is starting a character and building it up enough to care about them. However- their weakest point is developing characters and crossing the finish line for each character ARC into satisfying conclusions. I enjoyed reading this and I might watch the upcoming anime (might be too soon for me) but overall I feel dissatisfied with the ending. I don't hate that I read this, but I don't feel a satisfying conclusion to the story and characters at all. Author decided to continue the story after anime was greenlit- but focus on the characters pasts... but there's no way for Aoi to exist and so it feels a bit pointless and a waste of time / effort (especially when you know where they will end up). So that's it for me, dipping out.
Mar 7, 2023
I read all of this in 3 days and just got literally slapped with this ending. I had no idea it was the final chapter until the note saying it was over. It feels like it ended in the middle of the final arc with no closure whatsoever. Things got SOMEWHAT better, but no actual relationships were explored. Idk if it’s me just getting older, but what is with Japan ending things AS relationships start?? Like relationships are long, can be work, can ebb and flow. Why does no one ever actually explore a long term relationship, building, fixing, compromising. Never any continuous closure. Ugh I was loving this and feel like I got the rug pulled out from under me…

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