You apparently have no eyes. I already answered that.
Apparently I don't even need to use my knowledge of Japanese because you're simply blind.
This is a battle you can't win simply because you fail at logic 101
Text from my response to
ckrit post:
"Plus, Japanese is full of contextual slang because the one to one Chinese to Japanese adoption resulted in massive language bloat.
Formal Japanese is full of redundant specifying that is usually dropped in normal conversational and informal Japanese.
It's true it's not in the Japanese dictionary, I won't fight you there. Context matters, even the usage of formal versus informal Japenese changes things. "
Yeah, apparently, you can't
What else? Oh right!!!
Why don't
YOU instead PROVE my English sources and dictionary curators were
Where's YOUR citation or source saying that the 200+ year old
Encyclopædia Britannica are hackjobs who don't faithfully translate Japenese nuance into English. Where's your sources saying the rest of them are not professionals?
Go ahead, prove it. You said it, now prove all of it!