On the topic of Witch's Workshop, I was thinking about how the reason all the weapons look like traditional weaponry (swords, spears, lances, &c.) is probably because it's easier to imagine them impaling / killing someone and it has been stated that magic is basically impossible if you can't actually imagine the result.
This then made me imagine an extremely powerful & skilled mage that doesn't even need to bother with the shapes and just summons a storm of nearly-invisibly-thin "needles" to pierce someone's heart. Less magic needed per weapon means more more weapons total, they could be thin enough that they can't be easily seen, and less air-resistance would make them move faster.
It'd be really cool if we got to see someone like that at some point, (Julios, maybe?) as a potential foil to Solo / Number Zero, who, while fairly detached, still hasn't gone all the way to ruthless efficiency and still allows for a bit of flair in his weaponry.