Sensitive Boy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
no they don’t r u insane?? yea maybe when they’re older but bruh, he was and still is a kid. mc doesn’t handle things the same way you do. ur experiences as a kid arent the same as everyone else’s and you need to know that. also not to mention that u think only women can get scared after experiencing that, ur idea of masculinity is really out of date....
It's not out of date but rather nowadays most men are fragile & feminine which is honestly disappointing
Aggregator gang
Mar 25, 2023
I don't deny that sexual abuse exist, I am just saying boys handle sex differently than girls. I get that he was a kid when it happened, but when I was at that age, me and my friends were very curious about sex and would honestly jump to it if given the chance. . well I'm showing myself out, this series feels like trash anyways. .
Dex-chan lover
Dec 11, 2019
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
commit pls
Jul 9, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
This is definetly bait, but even still you're disgusting
Double-page supporter
Jul 5, 2023
Damn, they sexualize sexual abuse victims now
i think you don’t know the term sexualize well enough, this in absolutely no way is sexualizing sexual abuse victims... it’s actually probably one of the best portrayed sa victim ive seen. if it were sexualizin the mc, it would’ve been straight up porn every chapter. pls rethink ur words b4 commenting
Double-page supporter
Jul 5, 2023
It's not out of date but rather nowadays most men are fragile & feminine which is honestly disappointing
youre actually fucking dumb oh my god. grow up stop reading so much alpha male shit and go outside... men are not “feminine and fragile” they are quite literally just being themselves and it’s because of you people that society as a community keeps regressing back to when toxic masculinity was the fucking norm.
Double-page supporter
Jul 5, 2023
i’m just gonna say this in a separate comment for now but holy shit!!!! you guys need to grow the fuck up!!!! this isn’t the fucking 1700s where men had to be all alpha male and shit, where men couldn’t cry, where men quite literally couldn’t have feelings!!!! this mc is such good representation for not a very large crowd (due to how they can’t talk abt their experiences because of all of u toxic masculinity fuckers) and oh my god, mc isn’t acting like a fucking girl!!!!! he’s acting like how a normal human being would act if they got raped!!!! it’s not that fucking hard to COMPREHEND!!!!!!! (not targeted towards all the ppl with common sense :3)
Jul 18, 2019
What is "boyish enough" though? I understand what you mean when coming from a Western state of mind. However, I teach at a Japanese middle school (though this series is high school based) right now and he fits in perfectly with many of the boys I teach. They can be more sensitive and have a WILDLY different approach to sex and dealing with the opposite gender. Also it's okay to think about these things in manga and such! You're good!
Oh? A different perspective huh? I see, I see...
One could say something along the likes of a more "adventurous" character, more interest in one thing. (ie. hobby). I did think up of what makes a character "boy-ish" but I don't think it would be wise to fall these under "boy-ish" either way. I'm fairly certain it's still broad enough to make the venn diagram still have a hard overlap. I suppose it is an entirely different frame of mind.
Out of curiosity, and if it IS okay to ask, what does "wildly different" mean? No need to answer if it seems inappropriate, and do tell if it is. I'm not a particularly knowledgeable person when it comes to this, and I just... don't think I'm knowledgeable enough when it comes to the "how people approach to sex and dealing with the opposite gender"... I believe I talk to friends male or female similarly enough. I need to talk to people more. I wonder if it's a subconscious kind of thing.
Also, thanks for affirming that, although, it's not the morality of what I'm thinking, but rather, I think overthinking is bad. I think. Especially when the answers are going to be laid in front of you eventually. Hopefully.
Double-page supporter
Jul 12, 2018
This manga touches on the subject of sexual abuse, which is a very serious and real problem, but has the nerve call MC "Sensitive Boy" in the title. What on earth??? Like male sexual abuse victims don't face enough hardships due to stereotypes and toxic masculinity already.
Jul 9, 2023
I hope all those who think this doesn't happen to men or that he should like it seek some help, you have ZERO idea on how it is to be in that situation, and considering most of you who've said this either are children or just act childish I hope you mature before stepping into the intimacy scene. It is not fun, and very traumatic, and I can say from personal experience the desire to sleep with someone when your younger goes away when someone forces themselves on you, Its never a good sign and society likes to tell men that its fine, when its not. Please, go talk to someone and expand your mental faculties before speaking on a complex under talked about topic.

And thank you to the writer for speaking on a topic that doesn't get enough attention, people who've seen other go through this, or have gone through it themselves thank you, and thank you to the translators as well, for bringing this to another audience for further exposure.
Double-page supporter
Jan 29, 2023
ehh Idk about this. . I honestly don't think a boy would react like that at all, more so if it was a really beautiful teacher. . Boys react very differently to girls when they are presented with sex. in this situation, I feel the author is making the mc act like a girl. . and I honestly don't like it. .
Honestly fuck off. Rape is rape regardless how “beautiful” the teacher was. Would you say the same thing if the teacher was handsome man and the mc was a 13 old girl at that time? No, I bet you wouldn’t and if you did I hope you don’t be around kids irl. You don’t know the level of trama sexual assault during one’s childhood years can effect an individual throughout their whole life. Your comment and those who agree are exactly why it’s so difficult to even start a conversation about the effects of male rape. Even in manga you had to open your mouth with a fake machismo “tough” guy opinion. Honestly this is why romantic women and men aren’t in your life.
Jul 10, 2023
horrible opinion, do not talk about this shit again

it's cause of people like you i'm unable to talk about my own experiences with sexual assault

fuck you

you bastard
Isnt that kinda egotistical to deem someones opinion wrong, i mean its called an opinion for a reason we can't make him NOT think like that. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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