Junior First Class! It's the second in command for the ranger hierarchy, with First Class Rangers being the Dragon KeepersJust in case, I'm gonna ask. What does JFC stands for again, here? Japan something something? or Jesus Fuckin' Christ?
I see. Thank you for the answer!Junior First Class! It's the second in command for the ranger hierarchy, with First Class Rangers being the Dragon Keepers
completely different situations though:He would've seen it coming, just like how Green Ranger knew D appeared behind him after the deconstruction and reconstruction thingy a few chapters ago
XX recognized Usukubo as a ranger cadet, because XX was disguised as RanmaruI'm kinda confused by IRA's members reaction to Usukubo - some look like they recognize her
yeah, they called her relative 'chairman' so most likelyrelative of hers who looks like a top dog in IRA?
Yes it can be somesort like social influence etc, but i think that way cause when the flashback chapter about the blue keeper recruited by the red keeper, i just had the feeling this dude is actually had a old ages or immortal when he is showing the recording about the ranger fightingThat's one possibility. The other is that red is very much mortal, but has some sort of utility. The consequences of killing him would be worse than keeping his egomaniacal ass around. Personally, I hope he's dead, and things are about to get interesting.
Hisui asked why they don't just kill Red, and Green responded "if only it was that simple," IIRC.
Dunno who's Ranmaru, but i guess, it would make sense, if it's really XX. And, I guess, that Daidai guy just used a keigo phrase, is all.XX recognized Usukubo as a ranger cadet, because XX was disguised as Ranmaru
Oh, yeah, that might be a huge clue to my theoryyeah, they called her relative 'chairman' so most likely
Maybe, but consider how quickly Negi killed off Blue Keeper - despite giving us a long hard fought fight to give a sense of his power, and a soulful backstory, the way he went down still felt sudden and surprising. I think we were supposed to be as hurt and disappointed as D.However, Red is such a unique character that I ultimately still doubt Negi killed him off this quickly, and his strength is so impressive that I doubt his defense is weak. D's face is truly priceless though, like the dog that caught the car.