Wow, that was way better than Hibiki deserved. Haruhi should also drop him like a hot potato, but she even called Aya, after all that, to check on him, igaf that they're childhood friends. Apparently it's not a good friendship to begin with when he continuously doesn't respect her or her feelings. He was STILL spewing shit when Sunohara came to stop him. My god, I hate him. Get the fuck over yourself, you immature sack of bricks.
(and honestly, Aya isn't even that great of a friend either. I'm glad she stepped in a little here by calling Sunohara, but since she showed up, was kind of hoping at least she'd lay into Hibiki. "What the FUCK did you do to Haruhi" was barely bare minimum.)
I like Haruhi and Sunohara's story, but these side characters, man....jesus fuck.