Are we looking at the prospect of a proper death? or this will end with something like "she'll come back to existence every time we remember her, and occasionally she'll disappear as a gag"?
@Xystus This arc started in The Odorless Girl that is chapter 128, this is the 8th chapter and by the looks of it, will last at least 10 chapters.
It feels long because its been dragging itself, the first part was about what species she was and was kinda interesting but the rhinogrades arent really expanded and the football match is not really something I find interesting ... just want it over.
@Yiledute - I dont think this would be the first time a character dies. I think there was that friend Miyubi had that, if I remember correctly, was a rat or something, and didn't had long lives.
Is it bad that I'm more excited for all these recent arts ending that experiencing the arcs themselves? That or is says something about the writer. No, surely not that.
Rhinogrades or other fictional creatures should never have been in this manga in the first place. It felt super out of place.
And I liked hearing about animal facts, but you can't really have those with fictional creatures because they're not real.
Bruh if theyre gonna take fictional animals you couldve gone greek as opposed to these weird nose rats no one has heard of i thought i dropped this because it was slow but its clear that the writing was the case