Seton Academy: Join the Pack! - Vol. 10 Ch. 70 - Inside the Tent

Dex-chan lover
Jul 14, 2018
can you pitch a tent,
I would say hitomi fired the first sexual harassment.
or rather that is a sign jin, it means GO GO GO!!!
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
we know what's coming
he'll save her seriously
and dad reconsiders his order
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Guys, we have missing students, we should take this seriously... Oh, hey, humans about to mate!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
lol, he wants to chase, likes to be chased, but doesn't like when both are chasing. Yep, Jin is a mut alright...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
The naked part isn't necessary as long as you press close together and share any coverings - not that I would tell her that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
If there's any downside to this entire series, it's the romantic subplots.
> Human wants to get close to Human
> But maybe Human wants to get close to Wolf instead?
> But maybe he doesn't?
> But what if does?

It's really tired, and it's frustrating to see a story running on a treadmill and trying to sell the idea that it's going somewhere. I'd much rather these pointless promises for "romance" would not even exist, and just focus on social interactions instead. Having one of their parents tell their kid that they have to stop being friends with another character, is good enough. It doesn't need to have any half-baked romantic overtones.
Double-page supporter
Sep 24, 2018
animals got lost in the wild while the humans did not lmao
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 26, 2018
I don't really like the humanXhuman pairing.

Thanks Japan.

Seriously, no matter the scenario, I always automatically remove the humans from the equation if there are any beastkin or other exotic girls to choose from, like elves etc. Humans are just so god damn boring and undesirable. Only when it's a realistic novel/manga where there are no such things as other races to pick from would I pick between the humans.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
lol at everyone watching them. I'm surprised that i actually like the human x human pairing in this kind of manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019
"We heard the humans were going to mate."

Ok, that killed me.

But on the same note, this manga is absolutely ridiculous when it comes to sex and relationships. It's even worse than normal, because it uses all these mating/courtship/dominance behaviors for the 'animals' as gags... and then treats the topic just as gingerly as every other teasing romcom when there's any potential of actual progression outside of a cheap joke. (Also, Yena has now been raped twice by the bonobo chick, and apparently nobody gives a fuck. Yes, while it wasn't shown on the page, it was pretty obvious what was going on after the bonobo took an unconscious Yena out of the scene.)

...then there was that whole bonus chapter with Anne groping Hitomi all night, which is just as canon as King's bonus chapters. Somehow that had no impact on anybody involved.

It's starting to drive me up the wall how this manga uses all this "it's just biology/instinct" stuff for cheap humor, then turns around and treats it like a proper Victorian lady who needs her smelling salts when there's the potential to progress any of its related plotlines more than a hair's breadth.


I'm surprised that i actually like the human x human pairing in this kind of manga.

If any of the animal girls actually wanted the MC, they would have forced him down and had their way with him by this point. Hitomi's basically winning by default here.

Also, they're both good people. Even if the MC's a jerk about it most of the time, he still can't resist helping out everyone around him, and Hitomi's main obstacle is her fear that she'd rip the only group of friends she has apart if she actually got into a relationship with the MC, due to pack dynamics and the fact at least two of her friends probably want the MC too. (The MC just lacks confidence, but I think most of us can sympathize with that - and he did already try to confess.)

Ironically, the situation's a lot like Mei-Mei's, in that the MC has to either be everyone's or nobody's for this to work out.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@EaterOfBooks nice commentary on the manga. Yeah, the premise of the manga was already blowing past morality with the animal girls looking like humans and the males looking like animals. Then the animals sexually abuse each other, but the human x human pair is as you said, your typical sensitive rom com romance. As for Jin getting with an animal lady, they might allow it in an open ended ending for it to be possible, but I doubt they'd do anything that puts them on shaky legal grounds.
This kinda work is your typical pioneer work to desensitize everyone to a new immoral trend (furries in this case). Lolicons have already been more accepted because of desensitization works. I think Kodomo no Jikan was one of the mainstream pioneers of that. As much as it seems okay, when you really look into it, like you did, you can see it can be a bit appalling. Personally, I'm interested to see how far they will take it in a mainstream manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 11, 2019

Yeah, the premise of the manga was already blowing past morality with the animal girls looking like humans and the males looking like animals.

I don't have an issue with the immorality of any of it, just the ways it ridiculously stretches my suspension of disbelief. (How do the mole rats reproduce when the males barely come up to the ankles of the one female we've seen? WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING ORCAS? IF THEIR FEMALES ARE THE SIZE OF THE BELUGA WHALE GIRL, HOW DO THEY NOT RIP THEM IN HALF?)

We all know the real reason why the female cast are hot chicks with animal ears, maybe tails, and perhaps some sort of distinguishing nose or other feature. I don't think the best artist in the world could do sexy fanservice with a real giant panda.

Calling it immoral is also pretty rich from someone with the username "Firo's ahoge". 😁

Then the animals sexually abuse each other

What grinds my gears is stuff like the Impala Tournament, where it's clear cut in the narration that these are dominance displays to attract a harem of potential mates.

Then King wins his match, and states that he wants to fuck the impala that's attracted to him, and her parents... ...kick him into the stratosphere because apparently this whole event wasn't a giant impala mating display between males to get some tail (as the narrator explicitly declared it was) and we're suddenly playing by modern human rules again? You know, in a series where King at one point had an entire pride of lionesses serving (and presumably screwing) him because he had the largest mane. And that was just a thing.

I mean, I'm enjoying the series (mostly because I'm not taking it too seriously), but it's being hilariously inconsistent about what set of rules it's playing by at any given moment in time. That seems to sabotage the comedy a bit in many cases, simply because you can't get that nice, hard punchline reversal out of a gag unless there is some expectation to be subverted. By this point, I expect we'll play by animal rules or human (well, actually "super sensitive/dumb" romcom manga) rules depending on which progresses any relationship the least amount possible.

I doubt they'd do anything that puts them on shaky legal grounds

Given that Akumetsu exists, I don't think anybody cares. (If you don't know, Akumetsu was a series in which the eponymous protagonist brutally slaughtered his way through extremely thinly disguised caricatures of real Japanese politicians and business figures the author decided were to blame for Japan's generally rotten state, with the MC mouthing off about their guilt for historical incidents and administering sadistic but deliciously ironic punishments. It's a great series, and it's completed.)

This kinda work is your typical pioneer work to desensitize everyone to a new immoral trend (furries in this case).

Beastars is going to be a much better ambassador for that cause, because it's actually got consistent and well-thought-out worldbuilding around the whole animal instinct thing and how a world of anthros could work - and what the problems would be. It's even got premarital handholding sex without much in the way of feelings attached - when was the last time you saw that in a manga? Seriously, Beastars is everything this manga could be if it wanted to be taken seriously. (Which it doesn't, and that's fine, and, despite my complaints, I'm still enjoying it.)

I think Kodomo no Jikan was one of the mainstream pioneers of that.

Oh, god, why'd you have to bring that up? I think it was pioneered before that, but that series is one of the reasons Demi-chan, despite its fairly wholesome concept and generally good execution, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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