@mrponeis You can search article regarding Kung Fu Panda, its funny, just because the eyes color, many people got offended there. LoL
Hmm, I don't really know. But if you compared Meimei character with the Pandas Character that you mention, Meimei character are one of those comic relief character. The simple thing to say is, she is a Joke.
Have you ever read Chinese modern literature such as Chinese Webnovel? Especially the theme of the story is the modern world? Well, if you read, the almost the popular tittle in Chinese webnovels that have that theme (modern world), have a tone of racism towards other country, especially Japan and America. And thinking about how SJW and keyboard warriors works this day, I think "maybe" Japan take a little careful with materials that refers to Chinese culture. Maybe as long as the materials is good and safe, maybe Japan can keeps using Chinese reference.
The problem is the time/Era. Right now and back then are very different. You know, SJW everywhere, even a little thing that we never think could be a huge problem, can be a huge problem. For example, Even right now, there a lot of people from western saying that Eichiiro Oda artwork are over sexualized a women. But in reality, Oda is a huge fans of western comic and cartoon artstyle (thats why so many bizzare looking creature, and almost all beautiful woman has violin type of body), because Oda mix the Japan artstyle with Western art style. Well, thats SJW for you. Everyone need to be careful this days thanks to them.