Sex and Dungeon - Vol. 2 Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
Akitsu.. I think she likes the MC too?
That dungeon tho. Always pulling girls in...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
Hentai and "regular manga" actually do mix well. It's rather rare, and this manga certainly isn't a good example of one.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
@amenohi well id like to know Wich one then because i cant think of any that deserve more than a 7 the problem is that one of the 2 aspect always take over the other aspect resultîng in both aspect being botch and uninteresting
Sep 1, 2018
Gosh, reading those sad comments from leftists\sjws here is another enjoyable part of this manga.

No point "arguing" with someone who clearly isnt into the genre to begin with
Nuff said.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019

not even an argument, it's just one-sided hypocrisy to satisfy their thirst of having a feeling of being in a moral high ground against others who clearly do not give a shit about their opinions, most likely a narrow-minded immature narcissist with a 'holy' upbringing. If they are insane enough, they may even pester actual hentai doujins, which I doubt people of such conceited attitude would even dare approach.

This kind of attitude that you'd normally expect from a pre-pubescent kid.

And everyone knows that there's no point in wasting any efforts with them, they'll just be waiting for their inbox for replies in order to show off and feel good again. Just like any kid, starve them out and they die naturally. Easy.

Tho I said all that, I still hate NTR.
Sep 1, 2018
I have tags that I dislike myself. Yaoi, yuri, gore and NTR for example. And I might not understand people for liking some of them.
But I'll never dare to judge them for liking it. Like, who the hell I am for doing that? Their father?
I have better way to waste my time than insult people in space that I wont belong to for their weird little kinks.

Pretty sure those people think that fiction = reality. That's why it bothers them so much. You read rape hentai? Then you rapist and want to do that irl.
Playing GTA? Then you want to steal cars and kill people with them. Gosh, just thinking about it, killing my braincells.
That's why I call them leftists, since leftists is basically delusional moralfags and dont see anything outside their bubble.
Decided to hide my "rant", since its extremely offtopic.
Dec 18, 2019
I hate how Akitsu-San is just assuming things, it's just so annoying.
Oct 26, 2019
@migh Mixing hentai and normal manga is possible, hell, josei manga always do it

Think this manga as erotica like typically smut josei manga, k?
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
What did I say about the MCs wisdom stat being abysmal ? I knew it was sus she went missing, and it didnt even cross his mind at all. Of course she was on to him and was going to tail. The last panel didnt surprise me one bit.

Akitsu has known something off since the beginning, and we just learned how important Hiyori is to her. She had good reason to protect her friend even when she accidentally threw her under the bus. Tho I cant predict what will happen from here tho. I get the feeling that maybe Hoyori has had a tragic past too. Which might be Akitsus over protectiveness now.

@Zerael yeah its kinda annoying actually, but theres nothing we can really do abotu those trojan horses. Last time I told one to get.... I got a warning from mangadex staff :/ (I told em in a pretty tame way too lol) Why do they even read this ecci stuff :/. I do got a guess why tho.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 29, 2020
"I learned from Yurushima-san that merely inserting it won't raise my level". Wut? Idk if Author's or TL's, but that's one god-tier fuck up.
He didn't have intercourse with the cold beauty. He couldn't possibly have learnt any such thing from her. And he never tested "merely inserting"; both times have been full intercourse with the teacher.

Also, interesting he cares about Natsuno's first time, but not about Yurushima's. Poor girl 😅
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
meh the mc is being an idiot even being proper scum takes brains and patience
but he seems to have an affliction where he has to use his dungeon items at least once a day or have sex once a day because else he is just being stupid because he is horny

the class mate following him was predictable she basicly announced it beforehand but instead of playing harmless and nice he goes full force... if he is lucky she will trouble him personally if not well she will trouble his girls
hypnotic suggestions are pretty much foolproof unless you get the victim to question and doubt the suggestion itself
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2020
For such a contrived porn manga, the girls sure are low-quality. Another pair of micro-titlets.
Only the teacher so far has got beyond nipples-on-a-ribcage level, and hers weren't exactly impressive.

Anime or game? Either way I'd welcome it. This guy needs a NICE BOAT ending. But figured I'd ask since the game has quite a few entertaining BAD END outcomes. Maybe we'll get all of them.
Mar 1, 2021
I knew she would be there he should have been more conscious if it were me I would also ask her if she wanna come over but not do anything just test her then when she leaves I would go out a window then sneak up behind that girl and act like it was a coincidence so she would be all confused about how I got there

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