What did I say about the MCs wisdom stat being abysmal ? I knew it was sus she went missing, and it
didnt even cross his mind at all. Of course she was on to him and was going to tail. The last panel didnt surprise me one bit.
Akitsu has known something off since the beginning, and we just learned how important Hiyori is to her. She had good reason to protect her friend even when she accidentally threw her under the bus. Tho I cant predict what will happen from here tho. I get the feeling that maybe Hoyori has had a tragic past too. Which might be Akitsus over protectiveness now.
@Zerael yeah its kinda annoying actually, but theres nothing we can really do abotu those trojan horses. Last time I told one to get.... I got a warning from mangadex staff :/ (I told em in a pretty tame way too lol) Why do they even read this ecci stuff :/. I do got a guess why tho.