Shachiku Succubus no Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
If you don't have negative succubus traits in your narrative then narrative have no justification to have "negative image" of succubi.
Jan 18, 2018
@Kwendy I'd say people can just be terrible in general. Look at the US and their treatment of African slaves and then the treatment of African Americans after they were freed from slavery. The Africans didn't ask to be taken to the US and their descendants just wanted to peacefully live their lives, but they were oppressed, hated, and in tragic situations, lynched. Discrimination is often undeserved.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@07mak That is pretty shallow comparison. To begin with, everything has some point of origin or cause. Slavery did not appear because ohmygodrasism, slavery appeared because it was convenient for slavers. There coud be bunch or reasons for ongoing poor treatment and racism, but most likely it originated in discrepancy in rights - basically if you give to someone you take it from another one.
What I mean to say is self-benefit takes precenedce over personal differences. And here we have mutual beneficial existence without any point of conflict of resources (succubi do not contest human valuables) or interests simply because succubi live literally in another world.
Succubi aren't raping people, they aren't kidnapping nor killing and they actually exist so you can't address their "bad rep" to some pre-conception. This manga world has no reason for succubi negative image.
There is a line about succubi being demons suggesting there are demons with less then friendly attitude towards humans, but we yet to see any evidence of that, and it leaves the line of dialogue not supported by actual narrative of the manga.
Apr 19, 2018

Wow. I'm pretty sure you missed a few exits on that highway. "Succubi have a bad rep. I wonder why?" "America is RACIST!!!"

So, just a small history lesson. Do recall that slavery has been around well before America even existed. And also, plenty of black Africans back then were also sold into slavery by their fellow Africans. So while the treatment of black people in America (and hispanics, and before them, different nationalities of white people [irish, italian, etc]) is more fresh on the mind and definitely needs improvement, slavery historically was a way of treating criminals or debtors. But nowadays, we just call that the normal 8 to 5. So, to your point, people can be pretty terrible, but your point seems awfully preachy and coming from left field.

Also, the treatment during and after slavery covers hundreds of years. Contrast that with the lack of info we have about the Succubi, and we just don't know that it's humanity's fault in this. Perhaps there was an issue with demons (and specifically Succubi) in the past that warrants the way they're treated, like a terrible war and things we would see as war crimes in our society. We still see plenty of that even now with the trade wars between SK and JP or JP and the US or GER and the rest of Europe.

@kwendy, I look at it like spiders and snakes. Personally, I love them. Except for the ones that try to kill me. Then I burn them with fire. But all snakes and spiders have a bad rep due to the types that like to poison and/or squeeze their prey to death.
Active member
Mar 11, 2019
Damn at this rate I have a bad feeling that this dude is gonna burn out his life due to overworking he's starting to look more and more dead as time goes on.
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
Why did she cover her chest, when she moved away from him after he helped her with the cat? She's a freaking succubus.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
Lol, this guy is so good and pure he should probably be repelling Succubi with his saintly aura alone. Well, in a different manga at least.

Oh yeah, irony: When I started reading the chapter, I had Billy Talent's "Devil on my Shoulder" start playing.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
LMAO Lily has some great coworkers ....
ML: "Your heart was pounding? That could be a serious medical condition we need to call an ambulance NOW!"
Shet: "Nani the fuck?"
Jul 15, 2019
Because despite the title, there are no succubus in this manga. Just an endless circle of the male mc and the female "succubus" not being aware or not acting on their feelings. Except the male mc is too fucking tired inside and out to even think of a relationship, let alone pursue one.

This is actually depressing, fuck this I'm out.
Power Uploader
Jun 1, 2018
We already know MC is kind and caring, this chapter only suggests he's more asexual than just being tired. An asexual MC with a succubus female lead is not gonna end well.

I don't know if this is actually leading to anywhere. Not a good chapter.
Jun 5, 2019
He is already in escapism so hard. How can he have a job to be tired constantly and only comes home to sleep? What is he making money for? Soon he will be a corpse with money, but corpse nonetheless. All this meddling only makes his life worse. Not even one succubus actually gets her brain out of their ass to actually help MC find a better job. Night sapping energy for a dream, yep that's surely going to help a person who is sleep-deprived and out of energy all the time.
I don't think this is a characterization of good person or Gary Stue, but just a doormat. Doing whatever he was educated was right, having no own opinion. He is literally a modern brainwashed slave. I have no will to continue reading this. Is this appealing to the Japanese audience, are there really so many people working their life like this? I would rather crash at friends and family floor than slowly die inside like this. There is bowing your head to ask for help and bowing your head to get stepped on, that's a big difference.

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