Shadows House - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 7 Ch. 79 - Rebels

Jan 22, 2019
I do not trust him at all. I thought he was cute, until he opened his mouth..... I think Christopher was better
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
You know, we've seen what happens to living dolls whose shadows die, but what about shadows whose living dolls die? Also, do the Belles know which Belle is theirs?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 20, 2019
well its understandable if a human hold a grudge that much. I'm kind of wondering too if Anthony actually successed at unification or there is a someone else behind the door who can teleport
Jan 15, 2021
Wait wait... I still have a difficulty to process what happen from these conversation...

Is this plan a collab between Maryrose-Kate but Anthony overheard them and decide to help too?.... since he said he is amazed of her soot quantity (he helped them moving the soot in the pipe)

or It's Maryrose-Anthony escape plan ???.. Well he said he opened the soot facility's door

a bit confusing..
Mar 1, 2018
@Robot_Ditto The Belles were punished for breaking the 'coffee' during the second ghost disturbance. However, we now know that they were framed by Maryrose, who used her soot power to make it look like the Belles broke the 'coffee'.

Options for how Anthony escaped Kate's bathroom:
1. soot power
2. secret door
3. the large garbage disposal seen in chapter 5
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Wonderful reveal, layers within layers and rather than some silly simplistic sides everyone has their own agendas, abilities and limitations. If Anthony's stance is a mixture of being very careful about revealing too much to anyone easily and sheer antagonism as a Human towards Shadows, all of them, that's completely understandable even if we might like Kate/Emilyko's efforts more. The former is 100% standard practice for any covert network, have to compartmentalize so that if certain cells/agents get caught it doesn't bring down everyone. And the latter is pretty normal given the scheme Shadows are running. He may simply wish to destroy them all given the chance. It does raise a lot of questions though, including whether he's managed to get any outside help. The Shadows may be placing so much faith in the brainwashing that they've gotten complacent about basic opsec, which is certainly a weakness.

I think he's saying that 1) Maryrose planned to simply commit double suicide after striking one last blow against the adults and Edward in particular. He collaborated with her on that, placing the packs of soot. But she couldn't survive a fall like that with those alone, only attack.And he thought it was bad for the cause too, he's like a hardened rebel commander. But then
2) Kate wanted to Maryrose to survive, and herself came up with the plan to have her make a soot cushion. Kate, who has been established to be a really high soot Shadow, then supplied the huge amounts of extra airborne soot below needed. Anthony learned of that, and was at least somewhat impressed that they'd come up with such an escape plan with an actual chance of success.

What? How'd you miss all those chapters of them being forced to clean the soot pipes as punishment, with their Shadows desperately trying to get them breaks and that bubble helmet experiment and such?
Jan 15, 2021
Aaah I see..... yeah I have the gist that it's somewhat Anthony's plan. But it's rather hard to believe if in this chaos Kate can make cushion/supply soot since there is a quite large distant plus Maryrose's fall was rather a fast move.

If he escape with large garbage disposal, then its a high probability that Christopher indeed already dead. I thought the unification was successful, but Anthony is the one in charge not the otherway around because the brainwashing was not sufficient. (Lol I thought Christopher's soot ability is teleportation).

Then again, If the unification was success.. Anthony could just play along become an adult and aiming the manager position
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Aaah I see..... yeah I have the gist that it's somewhat Anthony's plan. But it's rather hard to believe if in this chaos Kate can make cushion/supply soot since there is a quite large distant plus Maryrose's fall was rather a fast move.
Kate merely put the soot into the air, which was subtle and available ahead of time. Then it was up to Maryrose to actually try to shape it in real time once they jumped.

Also remember, they may well have died. We don't know if it actually worked, it was still a real risk. But they thought they had a good chance at least. Kate made sure there was enough quantity available, but whether Maryrose could shape it fast enough was up to her skill. Hopefully we find out by the end.
Fed-Kun's army
May 29, 2018
Called the cushion theory
Snap, she sound asleep or dead and inert as the dirt from the earth?

@zanonyn "they've gotten complacent about basic opsec"
Except Ed, he's clearly prudent
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Stop breaking heart with all these dying children! Seriously, its like a roller coaster. It terrifies you and toys with your emotions, but you .just. keep. coming. back.

(🙄Good golly! does this mean I'm a masochist? Yeesh😬)

Thanks for your hard work!
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
Never think that is all Kate’plan. This is amazing.

But can the two escape? I don’t thing it easy. But since Ed can’t report this. No one will try find them. If they does not die because hungry and lost in forest then they maybe surviver.

I worry about Anthony too. What did he up to. I thought he cooperate with Rose. But turn out he work alone.
Apr 23, 2020
Now I'm convinced that Anthony is not as innocent as we thought. I'm pretty sure something had happened to Christopher and he didn't simply commit suicide, but I don't think Anthony killed him off or something, Christopher might be still alive.

Also, somehow I think Anthony (or maybe even Christopher too) is disguising himself as faceless living doll to stay under the radar this whole time.
Feb 14, 2021
I think this guy killed Christopher after he learned he will die if they unified....

Also the bells were dicks... But death for one of them was too much.
Mar 1, 2018
I forgot another possibility for Anthony's escape:
4. The window

Anthony appears to have no fear of heights. He claims to have been the one to place the 48 (2x4x6) bags of soot Maryrose used on top of the soot pipe. Given the size of the pipe relative to the hall, we can say that each of those bags would have been huge and unwieldly. If Anthony is truly only a human, then he has missed his calling as a mountaineer.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
Salutations for Mayrose and Rosemary. They really managed to make Edward look bad (and thus possibly disrupt his reputation and influence - the sweet revenge), reveal some of his power, AND possibly escaping at the same time. What an amazing pair, although as revealed here, Anthony and Kate helped a bit.
Finally, our questions about Anthony's whereabouts were answered!
That said, he still holds many mysteries. What has he been doing? What is he thinking? What actually happened back then with Christopher? Now it's clear he has his own stance and reasons and isn't an absolute ally for Kate and Emilyko, but then again, I guess you won't survive that long alone without being cunning to a degree.
I agree with some people that said he might be acting as a faceless doll to get by, especially since they hide their faces and don't talk in the first place. The easiest and best get up, really.
I look forward to see how this goes!

By the way, about Anthony killing Christopher back then...that is possible at this stage, but I personally wish there's more twists to that, such as it being their plan and Christopher is actually still alive somewhere. That'd be fun.

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