Shadows House (Official Colored) - Ch. 197 - Anthony

Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
I gotta say having it all revealed this way feels I dunno, a little cheap?
Like there's been so much mystery about all these events and just to have everything be monologued to you is pretty underwhelming
Lol. This one i agree
Dex-chan lover
Oct 2, 2020
When the almost nonexistent character suddenly pops in the open as a villain and says all the chapters up till now was all according to their plan, lol.
Probably my most disliked villain trope, tbh.
Probably one of the worse tropes to use. It remove all characters agencies.

But I feel like Anthony is just trying to appropriate Kate's achievements in this case. He may push people around so certain events would occur, but the allies Kate made, the weeks of avoiding the brainwashing coffee were all made without Anthony's "help"

tl;dr: Anthony is just a grifter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
This made me realize Joseph may be the butler... or Alfred himself. He looked at Kate as if she is his daughter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
I really hope you people won't start saying that Kate is 63 years old just because she stayed in the womb for 50 years (if we assume a year has not passed since Kate infiltrated the mansion, since she went there when she was 13).
Sure, she was conceived way, way before Anthony, but was born after.

Also, Anthony being a descendent of the Mirror's house explain him knowing about the whole incident, but that doesn't really extend to knowing about Kate's existence and situation, does it? Or was he listening when Kate explained her background to Emiliko?
Next chapter, one at a time my boy.
Active member
Jan 28, 2018
Flawless explanation. I just wonder where do you get 50 years, is this mentioned in the chapter?
If you go back to the chapters were Kate is talking about her childhood, the nanny explains Kate was in her mom's womb for 50 years before finally being born.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 28, 2024
More everything more all at once.

So morphs are capable of mimicking humans naturally, it's just it would take longer and they wouldn't output a desirable amount of soot if they did and so the fragment of favor is used to amp that up.

If both Albert and Catherine escaped, I'm kinda curious as to what the deal with the Great Grandfather is. If I had to guess I'd say he's the original morph that was given as a gift, but as for what the hell he mimicked to look like that (he's literally over 10 feet tall and no part of his body has been seen with a defined shape) I have no idea. I've also had the theory that he's literally just a figurehead, we've heard his voice but if I recall the only time we even saw him move is when he raised his hand at the end of the debut, but most of his body was obscured then, and it might've not even been him. He might literally just be someone else's soot power.

(The original) Christopher appears like he was genuinely a good dude but I thought about something. As a star bearer, Christopher would've known about unification, maybe not the exact details, but he would've known living dolls and shadows unify. Given that Maryrose told him that living dolls are humans, couldn't he have put together that unification kills humans before being invited? Anthony might've intentionally used the influence living dolls have on their shadows to get him to not speak up though, but that leads me to believe he didn't kill himself after the awful revelation and rather that Anthony killed him.

All in all I can't wait for Anthony to get his shit wrecked and I can't wait for Maryrose to be the one to do it.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2023
Dug a grave? One more of a reason to punch this guy more than once. What do you mean they're siblings? Idc about that. I WILL punch that face.

Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
So what I get from this chapter is that Anthony from the very beginning knew of the original Mirrors house like Kate. His failed unification is an intended result. Kate's mother escaped pregnant with Kate, and Kate's father was separated from them and started a new family with the sole purpose of reclaimed the Mirrors House.
Anthony's ability to move around the shadows house is thanks to inheriting the legacy from those who escaped...

I feel like this plot point is to explain why Anthony is different from other living dolls at the time, why he was leading by being empathetic. Much like how Kate is retaliating against the adults now. And why Anthony has been able to hide in the Shadows House for so long.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Thanks for the chapter.

Didn't think I'd see a younger big sis.

So it means he also planned their popularity in the children's wing to build an "army" against the adults.
Never mind being "younger"... I never thought I've seen a baba loli named Kate. Kate's real age might be 62-64, given the year that has passed in the manor.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Probably one of the worse tropes to use. It remove all characters agencies.

But I feel like Anthony is just trying to appropriate Kate's achievements in this case. He may push people around so certain events would occur, but the allies Kate made, the weeks of avoiding the brainwashing coffee were all made without Anthony's "help"

tl;dr: Anthony is just a grifter.
grifter is actually a profession these days. Schools, especially UNI's know the "GRIFT".

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