Happy to see the original team is back! I miss them! I thought Kate already forget about John. Lou smiling is so cute.
It’s interesting that the shadow actually does not want the unification. I have been wondering about that.
It's interesting to see that even though shadows aren't "human", they are equally as childish as their counterparts (probably even more immature). They're ALL kids and value their friendship with their "dolls" than whatever the adults want them to do. By nature, the shadows seem to be just like humans but they're under the influence of huge levels of brainwashing.
Which lends to the theory that ultimately this is human vs human conflict then human vs shadow. If we take the story to be true that Joseph is the mastermind then it would make sense he controlled the shadows to become the master of Shadow's house (Grandfather may just be a red herring and the true leader is Joseph). The morphs seem to neutral and friendly in nature since they the Mirrors family tried to coexist with them instead of getting rid of them + we saw the baby Morphs being corralled in Kate's flashbacks.