She Doesn't Know Why She Lives. - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Worst Office Lady

Active member
Jun 16, 2018
Thanks for picking this up. I remember when this came out, oh boy, I see it stuck a scary amount of chords for too many people. But I also notice it isn't just collapsing in itself in despite. That despite how broken, the small steps that is at least part of how one gets out, was being taken.

I hope you can keep up on translating this. Let's see where this really goes.
Active member
Feb 14, 2018
Person who did the first 13 chapters plans on releasing the entirety of Vol. 2 later this week, so I'm not sure if sniping this one was a good idea, especially since you seem inexperienced.
Active member
Jun 16, 2018
@pik3rob Lol, then I can just imagine the comments. People are going to say Chapter 14 got "sniped" so it triggers a panic who mass translates all the chapters. Even if the escalator says they were gonna do that anyways, good luck getting all the commenters to read it - much less all believe it.
Active member
Apr 24, 2018
Why is the font so insanely small? Are we reading a fine print contract or something?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018

Hey, I really appreciate seeing a new chapter of this, thanks! Hoping for the best of your improvement dood
Jun 10, 2018
Thanks for picking this up, other than the really tiny font size, I enjoyed this release. :)
I do hope the author won't reset the protagonist's previous progress for the sake of a new volume of misery though.
Active member
Mar 19, 2019
Glad to see more chapters of this!
But maybe make the text bigger next time, it's kinda hard to read sometimes
Aggregator gang
May 6, 2018
I hope the typesetter sues normal manga font and makes the text actually fit in the boxes without half the box left over (meaning make the text bigger and easier to read please)

Also page 8, tough should be though
Mar 7, 2019
@LO_ORE thankyou soooo much for picking this up. I've been craving for this for so long. God bless you.
For feed back: the text is really small, maybe you should increase the size a little bit. Just only big enough to read and not too big to make it go outside the text box.
Active member
May 26, 2018
Fantastic series. Worth the pick up. Please make the font bigger!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I've read 1st volume a year ago or so. I hadn't been working till then, but each page of each chapter resonated in me upon my worthless life. Now I'm working, for half-a-year alrdy, and MOW SOAP, this is soooo to the point!
On the contrary, I'm glad that MC haven't started to get out of that pit, haven't found a handsome prince to get her out. Because, you know, it will be nice bittersweet fairytale, will be not realistic. IRL it happens just like in this chapter. You just continue procrastinating and reminiscing some better-than-now-but-still-dark old times.
And oh, I'm glad to listen about OL flashback. It's more similar to my job than part-timer. I find it soul-sucking to sit for eight hours, even with breaks, for 5 days in a row. I guess in Japan with 6 days and overtime tradition I would have been dead right from the start. I feel like what I have already done was for nothing, and so will be every other day, further and further, so I'm slacking more and more. Though, days fly somehow quickly, I don't have this "it's tuesday" problem, though I had it at school. And...I surely have free time at evenings. I can even sleep for 8 hours. But I intentionally reduce it with unnecesary computer games etc... I guess, I do it subconsciously, as drowsy me doesn't brood over his situation so much.
I pretend to think that it's not me who chose for myself this work, its location, how much I have to work before I can quit. In this case, I'm absolutely can not be called a grown-up university graduate. choice really sucks, as well as my conditions.
I will be gladly following Sumi's path, and if I will be allowed (self-deception again) to quit in 2.5-3 years, I guess I'll end as part-timer in family amusement center. Sounds nice.
I like this feeling of eternal depression, I have never seen its vibe of "it will be like this forever" to be displayed with such accuracy. I would like to see this setting unchanged.
The only question I have is...I have had since first girls really know this feel? Or author just wanted to draw girls, naked girls in bath, girls in lingerie...I thought they never experience such situations. I really don't know, never met another one like this IRL.
One more reason I want more of this.
I want to be a desk lamp.
Jun 10, 2018
If even a fraction of what you see in this manga feels like it applies to you, I think you should seek help. And I do mean that very seriously. This story hits hard exactly because what it portrays can be very destructive and possibly life-threatening.

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