I've read 1st volume a year ago or so. I hadn't been working till then, but each page of each chapter resonated in me upon my worthless life. Now I'm working, for half-a-year alrdy, and MOW SOAP, this is soooo to the point!
On the contrary, I'm glad that MC haven't started to get out of that pit, haven't found a handsome prince to get her out. Because, you know, it will be nice bittersweet fairytale, but...it will be not realistic. IRL it happens just like in this chapter. You just continue procrastinating and reminiscing some better-than-now-but-still-dark old times.
And oh, I'm glad to listen about OL flashback. It's more similar to my job than part-timer. I find it soul-sucking to sit for eight hours, even with breaks, for 5 days in a row. I guess in Japan with 6 days and overtime tradition I would have been dead right from the start. I feel like what I have already done was for nothing, and so will be every other day, further and further, so I'm slacking more and more. Though, days fly somehow quickly, I don't have this "it's tuesday" problem, though I had it at school. And...I surely have free time at evenings. I can even sleep for 8 hours. But I intentionally reduce it with unnecesary computer games etc... I guess, I do it subconsciously, as drowsy me doesn't brood over his situation so much.
I pretend to think that it's not me who chose for myself this work, its location, how much I have to work before I can quit. In this case, I'm absolutely can not be called a grown-up university graduate. So...my choice really sucks, as well as my conditions.
I will be gladly following Sumi's path, and if I will be allowed (self-deception again) to quit in 2.5-3 years, I guess I'll end as part-timer in family amusement center. Sounds nice.
I like this feeling of eternal depression, I have never seen its vibe of "it will be like this forever" to be displayed with such accuracy. I would like to see this setting unchanged.
The only question I have is...I have had since first chapter...do girls really know this feel? Or author just wanted to draw girls, naked girls in bath, girls in lingerie...I thought they never experience such situations. I really don't know, never met another one like this IRL.
One more reason I want more of this.
I want to be a desk lamp.