Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 2 Ch. 23

Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
Everyone talking about marriage, and me here wondering if the 'we'll be ready to take your commission anytime!!' also implies that Kanako's friend is also a hitman
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
I generally believe that women and men should be free to choose to do whatever they want, but I think it is fair to point out that it's unfair to women that society pushes back the age at which it's feasible to get married and start a family. It's not to say women aren't allowed to have careers or do what they want if they're certain it's what will make them happy, but it's just as important to realize most people have a biological clock which they evolutionary developed BECAUSE they want to maintain the survival of the species, and so as you age, people generally become less confident and happy without children or family. (Obviously this doesn't apply if you're not an androphile, but lesbians only make up about ~2% of women, so they're not a primary concern in terms of reproduction as their effect is small overall. Plus I think if they want kids, they should be able to adopt or go to a sperm donor if they're deemed as responsible enough for kids.)

I'd like to see more biological research to reduce the effects of aging in women's ability to have children and push back menopause later into life as life expectancy increases and life becomes more busy, taking longer to "plant your feet" so to say. Alternatively, I'd recommend everyone freeze their eggs because, even if you don't want your own children now, that doesn't mean you won't as you get older, so having a backup-plan in case everything goes to shit would be helpful.

@nivinator In his defense, the evolutionary psychology for men and women are very different in that women tend to find older men attractive and men find younger women attractive.

Essentially, it's a game of economics going on. Women have limited time to find a partner, so are more selective and pick-y about their mates because they want to ensure the best resources and odds for themselves, and they have more of both a time and resource investment in having a child due to pregnancy, so they want to ensure that the man is likely to both survive along side the child and that they will increase both their own and their offspring's ability to survive and reproduce. Men, however, have much less investment due to how much sperm they can produce, so they have different pressures placed upon them. However, because men essentially are in competition with each other to secure the best mate and must be able to provide for said mate and any offspring. Men are essentially more expendable because of this because you need much more women to run a productive society, and far fewer men. Hence why men naturally are the "hunters" of the hunter-gatherers because it's far more risky but with the potential of greater rewards, whereas women need to keep society functioning while men are away fighting each other or in war. (Hence why women are believed to be the ones that started the Agrarian revolution because they had access to all the seeds and the time ability to farm while men were far away.) Older men are more likely to both have more resources and have more experience than younger men, and so are a safer investment, whereas younger men are in competition to prove themselves capable and so take more risky actions than older men, which may get them killed or pay off. Young women are more appealing for the opposite reason, in that they have more time to have children and are less likely to die in childbirth or due to the limitations of aging, so appeal to older men.

It's essentially an evolutionary holdover from when humans were far, far less advanced than they are now and didn't have modern luxuries like medicine, technology, etc. It'd be an ecological fallacy to assume this applies to every individual in a group, but overall, the larger a society becomes, the more likely you are to see these traits arise given sample size. Also note that as people age, sex differences become less pronounced over time as people are less impacted by their sexual maturity.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
*biological clock hits 35
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
No problem. I don't want your kind of women anyway. Too old for my tastes.
I'm 18 (when I said "we" I wasn't referring to older women, just women in general). 18 is too old for your tastes? Should I be calling Chris Hansen?

How naive. Men of your age range will rather go for the 18-24 year olds instead. I thought I already covered this.
As someone in the 18-24 year age range, I'm telling you that we don't want you. Why would we want older men when men don't want older women, apparently? We'd be going for the 18-24 range too. Literally none of my friends are interested in older men, either. In the past, women were attracted to older men because they provided a sense of stability. But now that it is obvious that we are just as capable of making our own money, there's no reason for that. Rather, I think you're the naive one for thinking we're into people your age, lmao.

It's not the same. Men can still produce sperm (albeit at a much lower rate) even up to their 70s.
I'm not talking about fertility. I'm talking about "beauty," as you put it. Obviously, this applies to men, too. 18-24 year old women are not going to find your age range as attractive as men their age. So, the dating pool for single men at in the 30+ range is just as limited as women in the 30+ range. I don't understand your argument.

Yeah I pretty much agree with everything you said. But this would make sense in the past, when women needed to marry early to support themselves and they liked older men because they could provide for them (and the older men of course liked younger women due to their beauty and fertility or whatever). I think that we're past that stage at this point in time, however. Although it appears certain people are still stuck in the caveman era.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Although it sounds offensive, furn_ace did make some reasonable points. Many people focus on the part where 'men are lustful and just want younger, more attractive women' and forgot about the part where people also desire children. It may be unthinkable to some, but there are many young couples in the world who struggle to even have children and as they aged further, it gets even harder for those who are already struggling. So fertility is actually a legitimate issue which like Tamerlane said, should be researched on in order to push the menopause age higher. But this is also contradicted by another point which is the danger of pregnancy increases as women get older. At that point, its not even an issue of being able to get pregnant but whether you can even survive conceiving a child. Not intending to start anything but I think it's worthwhile to step back from being offended and look at the other reasons why men in general prefer younger women aside from outward appearances. Ever seen husbands get really excited and elated when their wives successfully gave birth, even in TV shows? Statistically, women who are older are already outside the strike-zone of these men, for the above reasons of fertility and pregnancy risk and not simply because of their appearances. TLDR: think of the children! 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
@nivinator Generally true but remember that evolution takes thousands of generations to fix, so these traits that evolved in human populations are likely going to remain with us for a while given it's only in the past few thousand years where civilization has developed and only within a hundred years we've been able to really make strives to hammer them out.

So it's probably going to remain that people in general are going to maintain those preferences because they've evolved to see them as ideal, regardless of if that selection works in modern society. Vestigial traits are an issue.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
My main issue with him is not his biology argument, because I agree with that. Of course, people will always have those preferences and it's definitely not going away any time soon. But he seems to think that relationships are founded on these baser instincts when really, they aren't--not the healthy ones, anyway. And he's insistent that women my age should be finding someone to marry before we grow old and "unusable" (as the manga puts it, "expired") because apparently, that's the most important thing in society today. It's honestly so degrading to talk that way about another human being. Previously, he also told a lesbian that she was "ignoring biology." You can defend evolution and biology because like I said, I agree with you, but are you sure you want to defend this dude? There's a reason why the other users are blowing up at him. I think you better take a second look at his comments.
Active member
Jul 17, 2020
Incels are out in force in this comment section, I see. Going all "No problem. I don't want your kind of women anyway" as if any woman would want them back in the first place. Furn_ace, dude, come back when you don't have to pay for sex. And in the meantime, maybe listen to what actual women are telling you about themselves instead of the rantings of your fellow redpillers on 4chan?

(BTW, it's amazing to see a chapter like this come out of Japan.)
Jun 3, 2020
I dont even want to hear your arguments existence. Its that dumb.
Then just ignore me.

As someone in the 18-24 year age range, I'm telling you that we don't want you.
I'm 24 by the way, and it really doesn't matter for me since I was never interested in starting a family.
I'm rather grateful for feminism, since if I was born 50-60 years ago, society would've pressured me to start a family. Sucks for the average men who wants to have a traditional home though.
Also sex is freely available nowadays. I don't even have to get a prostitute. It's a net positive for me.
But now that it is obvious that we are just as capable of making our own money, there's no reason for that.
Sigh, that's not the point. Men and women value different things.
Women value provision and protection. Modern women can already get provision by themselves. Good for them.
Men value someone that can take care of him, his children, and his home. A working woman has way less time for him, his children, and his home, so her value to him plummets.
It's cool that you earn your own income, but that's simply not what men look for in a woman, either as a wife or simply for a quick smash.
I'm not talking about fertility. I'm talking about "beauty," as you put it. Obviously, this applies to men, too.
Again, no it doesn't. Women's beauty declines drastically with age compared to men. Try comparing Brad Pitt with any actresses around his age.
Although it appears certain people are still stuck in the caveman era.
Here's Tomi Lahren complaining that men are trash for preferring 19-21 year olds over her 28 years old ass
The wall is real, whether you acknowledge it or not. If you're truly 18, then it is better for you to heed my advice. Otherwise you'll end up like her.
Jun 3, 2020
Going all "No problem. I don't want your kind of women anyway"
That was in response of her saying "I don't want your kind of men anyway" to me, but whatever.
as if any woman would want them back in the first place.
You'd be surprised.
Furn_ace, dude, come back when you don't have to pay for sex.
First you call me an incel, and then you say I have sex with prostitutes. I don't think you understand what celibacy means.
maybe listen to what actual women are telling you about themselves
Yeah, sure. Remember back when women want "sensitive men who are more in touch with their femininity"?
Simps and soyboys are the result of that. And women sure as hell don't want them.

So you're attacking me instead of my arguments now?
How classy. As I've said before : men are programmed to seek younger women.
If you want to get married, it's wise to exploit that programming instead of squandering it.
It's not rocket science. Jesus Christ.

If you squander it, then you don't get to complain.
It's all on you.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
So I hear in Japan that woman past 25 are christmas cake, because nobody want a christmas cake after 25 lmao XD

Japanese are savage
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
Hitting the "wall" is a real problem in the Millenial population in the West. Too many women focus on fulfilling their desires, hit 30+, lose their looks, and no guy is willing to settle down with them. I'd recommend investing in pet-related stocks, because the only babies they're going to have are their fur-babies.

Edit: Furn_Ace is right, of course, but he's a bit too biological essentialist about it. Men don't want older women as a matter of course, but there are men with fetish for older women. Those men are, of course, usually undesirable to women like chubby chasers are to fat women, so the marriage between the two is often unhappy. It's very rare that you get an Emmanuel Macron, more than likely you get a divorce.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Assaultsquirt What a shitty sexist comment. You should go back to the 80s and live there with your outdated thinking. There are plenty of women who married late but still be happy and have children of their own. With how advance medical technology is, it is fine for women to have children later than the previous generations. If you think people only married each other based on look then I can tell you with that kind of reason, they will divorce sooner or later but couples who married late when they both are mature, are likely to stay together for the rest of their life.
Also you think women passed 30 aren't beautiful? I can give you so many examples about older women that are beautiful.
BTW, I personally would rather stay single for the rest of my life than marry a man as sexist as you.

@furn_ace Men's look declined with age too. You think Brad Pitt looks good? He and Leonardo DiCaprio look ugly as hell now compared to when they were young while there are women who still look beautiful and sexy at 50s.
You said "men are programmed to seek younger women" then where is your proof? I still see plenty of men who are into older mature women. There is currently a trend of men who married women that older than them. In my country, there is an actor married another actress who are 20 years older than him and they have been happily together for more than 10 years now. Don't treat your personal opinion as fact or think that all men think like you. By your logic, then all married men will dump their wives to seek for someone younger because their wives are old and ugly now? If people married based on look, they sure as hell will get a divorce later. On the contrary, there are many couples who get married later than 30 and still stay happily together. My parents are an example. Fertility isn't much of a problem anymore since there are women in their 60s still capable of giving birth than to medical advance now. People have more time now to find a good partner rather than married young, bump out kids without understand each other first then get a nasty divorce where both sides are unhappy and the kids will live in misery. I personally just witness 2 couples got divorced and they both married young.

So you are 24. No wonder your way of thinking is so immature. Guys like you is why women seek older men. You are still a kid that hasn't known life yet.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Women's beauty declines drastically with age compared to men. Try comparing Brad Pitt with any actresses around his age.
There are plenty of females who look amazing despite their age--Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, etc (and both of them are Brad Pitt's age). You're just picking specific cases that support your argument and making generalizations that you can't support. It's true, both men and women lose beauty when they grow old (sorry, dude, you're not some kind of an exception to time!), so it's kind of stupid to have that as your main standard when you're choosing a partner.
Women value provision and protection. Men value someone that can take care of him, his children, and his home.
Nice generalization. Maybe stop projecting your ideals and stereotypes onto entire genders.
A working woman has way less time for him, his children, and his home, so her value to him plummets.
Ah, yes. "Value." Because that's what matters in a relationship, right?
The wall is real, whether you acknowledge it or not. If you're truly 18, then it is better for you to heed my advice. Otherwise you'll end up like her.
Again, you seem to think that everyone wants the same thing from life. There are women who want a career first, and then a family. And that's fine, there's no need to be bitter about it. And no, women who don't get married between 18-24 are not going to end up like Tomi LMAO. We don't hate men, we're just focusing on other things at the moment. Meanwhile, Tomi is just straight-up a misandrist. But are you, a misogynist, really any better than her?
Jun 3, 2020
Men's look declined with age too.
Duh. I never said they stayed the same.
You think Brad Pitt looks good? He and Leonardo DiCaprio look ugly as hell now compared to when they were young
First of all, you need to get your eyes checked. They can still score women in their 20s, so you're obviously wrong there. You don't see actresses in their 50s scoring men in their 20s, do you?
Second, strawman argument. I said compare how much the beauty of men/women deteriorate as they age.
while there are women who still look beautiful and sexy at 50s
Why can't you name any, then?
You said "men are programmed to seek younger women" then where is your proof?
Here's a wikipedia page on age disparity between heterosexual married couples.
Also this video of Tomi Lahren is relevant.
By your logic, then all married men will dump their wives to seek for someone younger because their wives are old and ugly now?
I already covered this. Why men won't dump their wives :
- having already invested too much into the family
- having to pay child support after divorce
- societal pressure to stay together
Fertility isn't much of a problem anymore since there are women in their 60s still capable of giving birth than to medical advance now.
Yeah, sure. Go ahead and completely ignore the risk of birth defects of late pregnancies.
So you are 24. No wonder your way of thinking is so immature. Guys like you is why women seek older men. You are still a kid that hasn't known life yet.
You're attacking me personally now, but I'm somehow the immature one. Oh the irony🤣

It's true, both men and women lose beauty when they grow old (sorry, dude, you're not some kind of an exception to time!)
Strawman argument. I never said men are not going to lose their looks when they age.
Nice generalization. Maybe stop projecting your ideals and stereotypes onto entire genders.
That's how it is since the ancient times. You might not like it, but it's true.
Here's a wikipedia page on age disparity between heterosexual married couples.
Ah, yes. "Value." Because that's what matters in a relationship, right?
Why of course. Relationship involves exchanges to begin, and to continue to work.
If someone's net value is negative to you (ie. freeloads your house, contributes nothing to the household, abuses you, etc), that relationship will break.
Relationships don't run on magic, you know.
Meanwhile, Tomi is just straight-up a misandrist.
Yes, she became a misandrist because her target men are ignoring her in favor of younger women.
But are you, a misogynist, really any better than her?
So every man you disagree with is a misogynist. Okay. Feminism 101.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
That's how it is since the ancient times. You might not like it, but it's true.
Nope, only in the ancient times. Since YOUR mind is stuck in the "ancient times," this might be how you think. But no, not all women and men think the same way. You're imposing your stereotypes onto entire groups of people.
Yes, she became a misandrist because her target men are ignoring her in favor of younger women.
So you think every woman who gets ignored by their target men are going to become misandrists? And that every women who doesn't get a man by thirty is going to get ignored by their age group for the rest of their lives? I know several people in real life who can completely disprove that theory. Once again, you're using your own experiences to speak for an entire group of people.
So every man you disagree with is a misogynist. Okay. Feminism 101.
Um, no? Literally everything that you've said so far has either had sexist undertones or is blatantly sexist. Yes, women who make everything about sexism are bad, but men who deny sexism right in front of their faces are just as bad. You've had multiple people in this comment thread tell you that, so why don't you just get the point? But sure, "boo hoo liberals make everything about feminism waa waa feminism bad."
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018
@miyako19 Look, I don't care if you're offended by it, but I'm not being sexist here. Life isn't fair. Women have it way easier early on when they have their looks, and men have it easier later on when they've built up other assets. Like it or not, women do have an "expiration date". Medical technology has not progressed far enough to where 30+ year old women can consistently conceive. Even freezing your eggs is absolutely not a guarantee. If you're planning on having kids past 30, you're very likely to not succeed.

And yes, men do become uglier after hitting a certain age, but they've got a good 15 - 20 years longer than women until they become physically undesirable. It's the trade off for having a harder life when they're younger.

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