For anyone who hasnt realized yet : President is the main girl of this manga . She has the most "interesting" personality among the girls , and has the biggest boobs , she even has more screen time than the Ghost Girl .
Yeah , she is a b!tch , but she is a funny b!tch , all of her actions and dialogue make me laugh , and she is also very smart , sexy , pretty . I want to discipline her , punish her so bad .
Her actions in chapter 2 is simply "survival of the fittest" .
Page 4 of this chapter : She is drinking the Pepsi from the fridge while giving the dirty tap-water to the MC , so funny .
I want to be in the MC 's position : alone with her in her dark house . Then on the couch , she grabs my jacket and then gets on top of me . Her lips are getting closer to mine .