Lang (the person who made the bangles) said the effect is Unlimited Resurrection in chapter 45.2
Oh, you were right! Though I wonder why he mentioned Damage Transfer and Floor Restriction and yet he didn't say anything about the Stat Suppression.
Lavi gets is injured in chaper 7 & the damage didn't automatically heal. Connie didn't take the damage & used a healing spell/item on him
I didn't remember that. Made me read through the manga again. Though with the way Connie healed him, she could have faked that to cover the Damage Transfer. But that's too nitpicky. So I searched when Lavi got injured again, and oh boy, what luck he has (his Luck stat is abyssmal, but you know what I'm talking about). Not a scratch until he finally got head injury in chapter 30.2 (you can still see the blood until the end of the chapter, and he's obviously not dead because he could still move). And yet in chapter 31.1 they're all suddenly gone! Obviously the effect of Damage Transfer. There's no other proof unfortunately, because Lavi continued his no damage run until Anubis one-hit him at floor 30.
You are the one that keeps throwing around the word "evil". Connie is creepy & selfish and she isn't the only one. Daniella made a nuisance of herself & was dealt with.
Because that's what it was. Connie was treated especially evil. Compare it to Daniella: her crime was treated like a joke and the manga has light vibe throughout, with everybody forgiving her at the end.
What athleticism? Lavi throw the teleport bracelet halfway across the gab, then turned into a giant & sat on Daniella. They praised him for getting them out of that situation
Lavi has horrible aim, is easily restrained, doesn't seem to be able to hit very hard, & likely died to Anubis' attack because he wasn't fast or strong enough to dodge or withstand it. Once again, Lavi being a limp noodle has been a core part of this manga's premise. Chances are that removing Stat Suppression will just put him up to "average", if he gets them back at all & will still have to rely on items to fight Anubis & Skill Taker
Lavi tried crossing the room by consecutive teleporting very high above the others, and he could keep his balance throughout the ordeal. His aim wouldn't really matter because he can simply keep teleporting towards the general direction. And his reaction speed at using items were fast. All those are definitely not that special, but for me it's a feat beyond his ridiculously low stats. But I guess that's not clear proof. The bigger proof of Lavi's strength beyond his stats was actually shown by being able to go as deep into the dungeon as the top adventurers. Only Philo's items wouldn't be enough, moreso because Philo herself was often became a hindrance instead. Finally, in chapter 37.2 it was shown that Lavi already had that low stats of his since the beginning. Obviously, there's no bangle on sight yet.
Lavi has been aware that his stats were abnormally low as far back as chapter 4. Despite the fact that he was gaining levels & he was making progress through the dungeon, his stats weren't really growing. He thought something might be up, but he had no evidence one way or the other. Then, the bangles his sister gave him physically prevented him from going deeper into the dungeon. That's when he had the thought that the bangles might have more strings attached to them & confronted Connie about it. Then she confirmed his suspicions & made sure to crush his resolve by point out that the bangles worked as intended
Like I said in my previous comment, his flow of logic will only make sense IF his progress through the dungeon was as bad as before or became worse. Read again how he explained his logic in chapter 46.1.
He opened with, "
Look at my current stats. It goes without saying that these stats are lower than what they should normally be for my level. And obviously, my unique skill has not manifested. I'm talentless. That thought weighed on my mind for so long. And still, I gave it my all and pushed on." That's a logical take upon his abnormally weak stats, and I admire how he persevered still all these years. I like this part. Reminds me of Naruto's Rock Lee.
He continued with, "
Despite all that... I had an eerie feeling I couldn't shake off... Over the past few months, my adventures have been going very well. So I began to think that there might be an external cause." I absolutely agree with this, there must be something different happening during the past few months. The reason why his adventures went very well despite his stats still being low. For me it's mostly because of Philo's and others' help, but maybe he got a buff somewhere? Or though unlikely, maybe his actual stats were hidden somehow and that they were actually not that low?
And yet he concluded with, "
Thoughts like... What if I'm wearing shackles?" Wtf? His adventures went unexpectedly well lately so he started thinking that he's being nerfed? What kinda logic was that?
Oh hey, I just thought of a plot twist.
The third price was actually NOT Stat Suppression. Not only that his stats were already low from the beginning (Faust diagnosed him unfit to become an adventurer in chapter 37.2) but because he showed physical prowess beyond his stats just by being able to go so deep into the dungeon. Connie saying that the third price is the Stat Suppression was just to hide the real price by agreeing to Lavi's weird logic.
In chapter 35.2 you can see from Lang's and Connie's conversation that one of the price will become permanent once Lavi go past floor 30. Floor Restriction or Stat Suppression becoming permanent is highly unlikely simply because it will cripple the story. Damage Transfer becoming permanent is not a real problem for Connie because of her regen and because she can continue protecting her brother with that. So what price could it be?
There are two possibilities that I can immediately think of:
1. Connie loses her ability to heal. Connie was a known expert healer. In chapter 37.1 she used EX Heal to heal their mom's broken hand without using any equipment, and yet in chapter 7.1 she used a huge ass staff to heal Lavi's small cut wound.
2. Something that negatively impact the relationship between Lavi and Connie. Look at how different Lavi was before and after Floor Restriction happened. Lavi is a normally peaceful and thoughtful boy, and yet he suddenly confronted Connie with so much fervor and anger and without sound logic.