Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tensei suru - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Former Demon Lord Vs Son Of God

Active member
Mar 20, 2019
Its a little bit weird how he is surprised about peoples reaction to his magic. He literally state in chapter 1 that magic has been dumbed down in the era he is in.
Aggregator gang
Oct 2, 2018
They gonna Fill all the isekai cliches in the starting chapters or what?
Double-page supporter
Apr 24, 2018
"I won't be like those stereotypical protagonists of those 'youngster novels' "

That's a bold claim there, author-san. 😆
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
i thought in ch 1 he realized that in that era magic had been nerfed?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2019
So I'll preface with I'm a garbage person so I eat trash like this and love it, but isnt he kinda revealing all his shit pretty fast? Like you killed yourself in order not to stand out and the first thing you do after leaving home is cast a huge spell in front of fucking everyone (even if he did understand the new worlds common sense, I'm assuming a new student shouldn't be able to cast something starting with giga)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2018
Chapter 2 and his harem increased by two. If this trend continues, by chapter 100, his harem will have 5050 members
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
-Hmmm.... this is pretty maou gakuin like. But, still like it Lul.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 23, 2018
Headmasters pretty funny and hes got his harem up by 2 in 2 ch

The chick seems interesting feel she has a secret too.
Jan 1, 2019
I just don’t understand the logic of losing strong spells in these settings. It’s the world forgetting how to use h bombs in a 1000 years time and them being surprised when you wipe out a pistol.

Start record that shit rather then forgetting it.
Aggregator gang
Apr 21, 2018
@Beezy @sarshi He said that his friend seemed to have been born with low magical power, not that magic in general was dumbed down. That's why he took pity on her and decided to teach her magic so despite being quite below average, she could stand on her own. He's still under the assumption that magic is like how it was in his previous life. He just assumed his friend, a young girl, didn't have much talent. He'll probably still have this attitude for the next few chapters, as he's around young children, so them being below his standards is normal to him.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2019
I agree with that insult to logic, in 40k and Battletech it at least makes sence since knowledge, technology and common sense got blasted to smitherienes by extinction level wars.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
pls don't tell me that was the actual translations and it was just some meme talk in there.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
I really hope the new girl at the end doesn’t turn into a pain that just wants to take advantage of the mc. Anyway that 100 friends is looking pretty distant now. Everyone either admires, is envious, or (probably) wants to take advantage of him. Is this Komi in a fantasy setting?

@Mpwilson123 Have you ever read H.G. Wells the time machine (or know the story)? It’s actually not all that unbelievable. There the upper class had evolved into a non violent species that couldn’t do anything on their own and were really defenseless; while the lower working class involved into monsters (Morlocks I think? It’s been a fat minute). They still provided for the upper class (they had a name too, but can’t remember it), but also fed on them at night. Long story short if a status quo is allowed to continue long enough it will become all people know. As depressing as it is technology greatly improves through conflict and competition. I would assume that a time when multiple evil gods were just roaming around people NEEDED to learn stronger magic just to have a chance at survival. Not to mention the existence of the demon lord who stood at the peak probably raised the standard a lot (put Bill Gates in your neighborhood and the average annual income skyrockets; your not making anymore money, but the average still goes up just by him being included in the group). With both those things gone there isn’t much of a need to improve magic AND the standard goes down because the peak just becomes a legend. Eventually everyone who knew anything different dies off and all people know is the current situation. Now that’s probably not all of it and the story may go into more detail as to why later (or not). I feel like the nobles holding onto stronger magic to maintain power probably plays a role in it. Of course magic is going to decline if only a select few are even allowed access to it (or the higher forms of it).
Active member
Apr 16, 2018
did the headmaster really tell them that in the original?
if so then, damn that some sick burn. lol
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
Something like that actually did happen in reality. During the middle ages knowledge from antiquity was (partially) lost due to a multitude of reasons. I think mostly because of wars, certain religion(s) taking over and the world view changing. That is, if I'm not mistaken.
So yeah, in 1000 lots of stuff can happen which would erase knowledge. But let's be real here, it's just another trope to make the MC more powerful than he should be compared to everyone else.

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