They decided that “deer love” would be more appropriate after this chapterWhen did the Girl's Love tag vanish?
It was written was "角田" so I don't think soTsuno da! Probably meant to be "It's a horn!"
Well, there you go, that's the joke, a pun, turning "it's a horn" into a name with common kanji name 田 lmao. It's just a nonsense pun, let's say it's in anime with Japanese dub and they don't know what the kanji on the omikuji is being read, common Japanese people who heard it will think the kid says "It's a horn"! Nobody will expect it be a name in this context. This is also why people often ask a new acquaintance how to write their name in the kanji.It was written was "角田" so I don't think so
Because it's not yuri, token yuri girl doesn't count.When did the Girl's Love tag vanish?