Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja - Sekai Saikyou no Kenja ga Sara ni Tsuyoku naru Tame ni Tensei Shimashita - Vol. 12 Ch. 36 - The Strongest Sage, Wolf …

Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@Kanol Nice quote, that doesnt have anything to do with with this story AND is complete bullshit. The world has so many shades of gray that you cant count them, which is partly because every person determines for themselves what is white, black or grey.
Also you completely misunderstand the reason he has shown concern. He is concerned that she breaks and they lose a tool that works for them, not a poor liitle girl. Which at first glance still appears nice, but isnt.

Like I stated and you totally ignored: The demons had the chance to change how they are viewed, treated and to redeem themselves, but they didnt do it. They rather manipulated them and kept them weak. They didnt hold them down for self protection, they keep them down so that they can realize theyre plan to murder everyone. Matty stated they were always like this, which shows us that his comment of them beeing pests and so on istn wrong. They are dangerous and people react to that by eliminating it.
Jun 8, 2018
An actual solution to how you deal with an entrenched, highly communicative enemy with solid group tactics. Nice.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@Lord-Raine Well, first of all it'd be cool if you'd not put quotes around a random phrases when responding to me. It undermines the credibility of anything you have to say to someone's argument if you aren't correctly quoting or paraphrasing things they've actually said.

"responsible for numerous genocides both past and present... the flashbacks to the past are to be believed, they've ALWAYS been like this." This I may have missed. What chapter is this? Also, apropos of nothing you basically just described human history.

The demons suppressed the magic knowledge of humans? Seems like a reasonable precaution after having nearly been wiped out by humans in general and Matty in particular.
See: chapter/85248/23

The demons had infiltrated the kingdom and remained there for many years despite having had (for many years) the ability to wipe out that city. They only moved openly against the humans once someone appeared among the humans who not only immediately exposed their presence and the deceptions keeping the humans de-fanged, but who also proved to be willing and able to cut down a fleeing demon opponent.

Then the next demons that show up to deal with this emergent threat start by saying "Hey, don't go too far, humans are weak" - chapter/394899/3
Oh and hey, here's a captured demon begging for his life oh he got lynched. chapter/546547/55
Here's our MC torturing and terrorizing demons as people do - chapter/585782/12

Let's be clear - The MC revels in the meat grinder. He reincarnated himself so he could meat grind harder. The demons would be stupid to not be trying to kill him as hard and as fast as possible, and a lot of their attacks are scaling to the threat Matty represents. You're right, they don't need nukes for people; They need them for Matty, cause Matty's not going to search for a non-violent resolution like "subverting the demon's knowledge of spell-craft" because that's not his style. He could have tried talking to any of the demons he captured, but that's not his style. His style is meat grinding. MC has the morals and personality of a wood chipper and he's our entire lens for narration which makes me not really trust it.

@Dragou No I got that, but it's still pretty relaxed and non-hostile treatment for demons driven by 'instinct' apparently to kill humans. There was no "inferior human weakling", just "are you okay" and he offered her a hand up? The fiend! This is exactly like in my Stanford prison experiment anime! I also get moral relativism, but there are common points of good and bad - Golden rule and all that. "Like I stated and you totally ignored" - Shit man, people don't have to respond to everything you say, chill. Demons hostile jerks to humans? Yeop. Mc saving people from demons? Cool. MC murdering prisoners of war? Kiiinda war-crimey. And generally wastes a valuable source of information and potential negotiation tool. All of the MC's information, ALL of it is his guesswork and assumption because he's killed or terrorized every demon without questioning it, despite the fact that mind control magic exists apparently. Me, I'd want to know where the demons planted their bomb. Anyway the quote's relevant because neither side treats the other side like people, and also I think you misread it?

@GM_Rusaku Are you familiar with the song "We'll all go together when we go"?
May 29, 2018
I love how the artist make the small details of Iris doing silly things whenever the other 3 have serious talk 🤣
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
NO! Not the big tited one! She was one of her kind!

About the demons being evil here. I have no clue on that, but I'm still rather sure those demons here just exist to wipe out mankind. They ALL are so keen on it, so driven, it is rather obvious that instinct is just too unnatural. In regard of a super-magic-industrialized society, that existed, my guess is still, that they are some kind of biological super weapon.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
What you ignored where the points who rendered your whole argumentation useless, because how they act isnt on instinct. Like it was stated, they are intelligent and even intelligent enough to comprehend what they are doing. Just calling it instinct (we dont even know if they do it by pure instinct or not) to do such things isnt representing any facts which are known.
Also the reason the demons didnt anihilated humanity as a whole has reasons which are not good points. The devices like this nuke or this monster flood device are not something that can be created that easily and need preparation like it was used and so on. You need certain conditions, places and technology which is hard to come by. Therefore they can be greatly outnumbered and even weakened as they are, some of the humans are still relatively strong (like that guy who tested Matty). Demons would not be able to win, thats why they dont kill humans openly.

Demons in the past and present are harmful and they didnt used their chance to change things. Besides that Matty isnt calling him a saint either. He has a clear goal and followes it. Maybe he could have used them to extract informations, but there is a high danger that they use their last moves, where they spawn many monsters while dying.
The reason they send demons to attack the capital was, because theyre plans were in danger, because someone like Matty appeared.
They are not this cliche demons who belittle humans, because they know that humans can be incredible strong. Therefore saying that they are not evilo, because they are not dumb is also quite the bold interpretation of the situation.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@Dragou I was replying to someone else whose actual argument was "they act on instinct" and refuting that because, as you say, they are thinking beings. You say the demons had a chance to change how they were viewed, but when? It wouldn't be before they started undermining human magic, because before then they were being killed off by humans. Actually, what do you think my argument is?

It IS weird that the demons left S rank sword guy alone. I guess given that he had no real magic, any number of the demons the MC has fought so far could have dispatched him.
"they spawn many monsters while dying." He has dispelled that effect before, but it's a good reason for him to not faff around in this fight in particular where there's mind slaves stumbling about.
"They are not this cliche demons who belittle humans" A few of them actually have done that. Most of it's been psych trash talk in fights though.

And I never said demons weren't doing evil things. Just that the way the MC acts doesn't exactly inspire confidence in others that he is someone that would accept negotiation or peaceful surrender. I doubt those dragons Matty killed attacked him for laughs. He was a danger to them. A self proclaimed battle maniac who views monsters as materials. You can't say the demons weren't justified in thinking that if humans had access to powerful magic they'd all start murdering demons again, because exactly that happened. That doesn't make the demons actions good, but it's interesting to think about the demons motives/perspective since the story gives us an unreliable narrator for that. It would explain some things if it turns out that the demons are at war with some other power (like those outsiders the MC couldn't beat with his original crest) and that's what they're using the explosives against and why they're keeping humans around instead of wiping them out - arms manufacture.

@GM_Rusaku Uh huh. I just felt I should point out that if there's another world war we're all going to die in nuclear fire, and it doesn't matter how hard you think you are. Talking about how you'll survive "when a real WW3 happens" just comes off as chuunibyou edge-lord sleep talk.
Group Leader
Apr 1, 2020
Why should I listen to the things you point out if you of all people can't even properly debunk everything @Dragou has ben pointing out, pussy. And it doesn't matter what you say, you're still the first in like to die in a war.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
When did they had the chance? The whole time before the Mc appeared. That was several hundred or even thousand years ago. More than enough time for changing the image/knowledge/history. They are sentient enough to realize such things and could have done so if they wanted. Then these enemies, the Mc wants to fight, are monsters he believes are out there. We dont even know if they truly exist in the first place.
Regarding the dragons is all we know that they started it and he ended it. Matty isnt a saint and he doesnt even pretends to be one.

That he sees monsters as materials is because they dont pose a threat to him, therefore he doesnt see these as enemies. Monsters like in such series who dont have enough intelligence are just that .. monsters. Nothing wrong with killing monsters before you or others get killed.

You claim the narrator to be unreliable, but there is absolutely no indication besides these 1 situation (which again is beeing worried that a workforce/tool breaks).

In the end it doesnt matter what you think about as interesting scenarios and theories. As long they dont have any underlying facts, evidence or at least real hints and nudges, they dont amount to anything. They have as much relevance for all of this like most fanfictions within the internet.
If you cant understand/except that you are clearly wrong here. If you say that these are theories or your headcanon/fanfiction ideas, its ok. But saying that is how it is, is arrogant at best or totally dumb at worst.
May 30, 2018
Nooooo they also killed the big tittied demon in the end! Man what a waste.....
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
@GM_Rusaku I'm not actually trying to debunk a lot of what he's pointed out though? He makes some good points. It's not like I'm not going to argue against things out of mindless contrarianism. Which of his points do you think I should address?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2019
At first I was going to say "that would expose them" but looking back at ch 12 apparently demons were pretty well known to exist since demons openly destroyed the town they were using as a base? I thought the demons had been playing a long game by just quietly disappearing from human history, but nope. Apparently they have for years been able to just wreck up a small town and then don human guises so they do that. So yeah, point.
Since demons don't even work with each-other normally, it seems like it would be hard to form any accord with demons. The old demon pushing the conflict and suppression of human knowledge of magic seems to have pulled it off though. That's a hell of a longstanding effort requiring a lot of cat-herding to get demons on a focused goal and not destroying towns in big flashy displays like idiots probably.

"Matty isnt a saint and he doesnt even pretends to be one." Yeah, that pretty much sums up a lot of it.
Are dragons not monsters? I vaguely remember he killed a dragon for materials at one point, but also Iris being fine with that.

"it doesnt matter what you think about as interesting scenarios and theories" I agree? That was just speculation. I was just spitballing a plausible reason as to why the demons don't already have the humans wiping each-other out in pointless wars or something.

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