It seems strange that the one weapon we see Ruri enchant and which Matty says "we should go into the dungeon to test its strength" for is apparently the one that we don't see getting tested, since she tests some sword that Matty enchanted instead.
huh. thought Matty would give Iris gauntlets instead. or a bludgeon like a war hammer or an iron rod. though i guess a blunt spear's about the same thing
@Kalec >The world simply became trash in the time between his two lifes thanks to the demons that couldn't do shit in that old era. They were probably like the simplest species of ants compared to us
I think it's not just that. There are subtle hints that the MC was ridiculously powerful even during his first lifetime. That's why kings would visit him when ascending the throne (and I suspect it's meant to make them know there is always a bigger fish).
@flannan it has been heavily alluded by Iris that Gaia's methods and thinking (basically his common sense) were way out of the norm and now that Matthias is bringing back the fruits of all of his research and labor its like the legends are now becoming true.
Even the Sword God has his weapon forged by the Mage God, as the Legends tell.
oof i was kinda pointing at the weapon mainly on how most of his creation is like treasures... but ya i guess he is a god since he knows too many things
They called the MC the strongest sage back in the old days for a reason...dude was the strongest man alive and that's with a crest more suited for production than combat. Which in hindsight his probably for the best because his research in enchantment that was presumably his attempts to make as much use of his awful crest as much as possible is doing the current world a major solid right now.
@ringz Its basically just a rod with a block of high durability metal on the end. With a hammer and an axe, you still have to worry about balancing and where you hit things with the weapon. With that "spear", she can hit the monsters any way she deems nessisary and it wont damage the weapon