Kind of an anticlimax. If his mistake was minor, but made the difference, that would be more satisfying. Even if he has no sense of taste, he can still understand that mixing certain things will taste bad.
@SandiKurniaP I bet none of the top underground chefs have a sense of taste, besides maybe the leader. Kinda like the Beethoven theory, they must have lost their taste in some way or another to get closer to the core of true flavor. I’m sure Mao will help restore it somehow and help them see joy in cooking.
this feels a bit out the ass, but I can kinda understand since things that smell great also usually taste great, but there are some irl exceptions like Vietnamese shrimp paste or durians which have ungodly smells but absolutely amazing flavors
@EzioAs To me, it's not a problem, and I love durian. But most people who hate it say that it smells like gas leak (it can if you leave it out for too long). Andrew Zimmerman said it smells like feet, which I guess is probably because it's a different kind of durian. X3