Page 6, upper right panel, end of pigboy's line:
Depending on how it's written in the original Japanese, it could either be "incompetence" (insulting him by what he "embodies") or "incompetent" (plainly describing him).
Page 16, first panel, right text box: I am not going to start a war whether your work should use American or British plural pronoun rules. No way.
Bottom-left panel, last dialogue balloon: "for it" can be removed entirely, but that's optional.
Page 17, bottom-left panel, Luna: "they" should probably be removed in order to make the sentence sound less stilted. Unless the original Jp actually had two sentences, or if there's some quirk in her habit of speaking, etc.
Page 22, bottom-right panel:
"Luna-sama! Why have you chose Yuno over me?"
"Luna-sama! Why have you chosen Yuno over me?"
Page 24, first panel:
"...we would be entirely helpless?" → "...he would be entirely helpless?"
There are in the preceding chapters a few curious word choices as well (e.g., Chapter 1, page 7, bottom right panel: "effortless" should probably be "listless"; in the same chapter, page 9 upper right panel, second dialogue balloon, "did" ought to be replaced), but my knowledge of Japanese is at negative zero. And besides, I read a lot more translations that have a lot of catching up to do to reach your level. Methinks you're doing wonderful work translating this, so thanks for your work!