Shin no Jitsuryoku wa Girigiri Made Kakushite Iyou to Omou - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Let's Get Just a Little Bit Serious

Double-page supporter
Dec 19, 2018
somewhere, someplace, a tiny little village is obliterated to a dust
Aug 18, 2018
@whodoo I think he missed the butler on purpose. because otherwise the butler had absolutely no reason to surrender at all. his employer ordered him to be serious and he himself said he is getting serious so if he actually was able to dodge it if thrown at him he would have not surrendered.
so because I am nice and assume the author is not a dumb bitch I say if the mc actually aimed at the butler he would just die because unable to dodge or defend and therefore butler thankful for mc sparing his life surrendered.
Active member
May 24, 2018
MC, destroyed a part of the estate: "Oopsie, I accidentally missed my lord's weakest knight because of my incompetence. Oh my, my lord you look upset, it must be that my rumoured incompetence has failed to satisfy your expectation of me being, as you described so intensely, a lying incompetent disgrace. Yes, I'm sure my lord who is so wise and powerful could do so much better than your weakest knight and what the incompetent me could ever achieve, please show us how true competence look like and then I'll resign from this knight job I was so definitely not pressured to take but ambitiously fought for! 🙃" (Just me imagining MC burns Argos' arrogance after all the insults, still hope that they could warm up later on though, he's the dad of the female lead(?) after all).

Also, in my mind of fantasy, maybe the spear was thrown at such a high speed that the spear disintegrated because it's used like a consumable offensive item for an energy blast, like Amarant's throw skill in FF9.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Ein Stadt, never forget.

Luna's a thief, goin' around stealing other people's candidates right out from under them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
I find it funny that the title of this chapter is also the worst part of it.
There's a limit as to how many times the MC can go: "Dear me, I might have to use more than 1% of my power, kukuku!" without sounding like a huge dork.
Active member
Jun 30, 2020
Now who is the ML? Alice or Luna?

Ein sadly didn't get past the starting line with that failed start and I get the feeling the MC respects gods too much to start a romantic relation with them.
Jun 11, 2018
The MC is pretty stupid but w/e. Art is good, can't complain.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
don't become a simp.
you were supposed to bring balance to the thot patrol.
Aggregator gang
Apr 23, 2020
@mackowacko Agreement. I don't like her at all. The cold unfeeling oujousams trope is so meh here. He should've just denied her request and gone with the other girl. Certainly would've been interesting to see her get denied.
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2020
ugh. I dislike the "i know it all and i am better than you" type of woman. It's fucking cringe. You are a literal child.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@sviiseven [State-mandated annoying PR here, wall of text hidden for the sanity of straying readers.]
pg. 4|| Luna: ...after you had strongly insisted on me getting one... → my getting one
(This is... sort of optional? It is common to read/hear this sort of grammatical error to the point that even I am confused at times.)

pg.5, 3rd panel|| Luna: ...through his pact he formed the god, Athena! → ...through the pact he formed with the goddess Athena!
(A. An alternative rendering may be: "...through his pact with the goddess Athena!" But this would depend on the original Japanese text: if it emphasized the forming of the pact, or just the pact itself.
B. This correction makes sense only if Athena is not set up as a trap, as a GIRL, or as the maddening spawn of Cthulhu. And I doubt that Yuno can form a god by himself.)

4th panel|| Argos: I do not know to believe this is the truth from a mere joke among students. → ???
(Lots of ways this one can go: Is he saying that he does not know if it is true? Or is he saying that he does not believe it? Or that it seems to him a joke?)

pg.6, 1st panel, 1st speech bubble from right|| god → goddess, same with 2nd panel: unknown god → unknown goddess

2nd speech bubble|| If he is being sarcastic, then: Just how much more "wisdom" can I gain from this?

3rd panel|| You have done far well... → You have done quite well...
(I have never seen far used in the phrase before, only quite, or very, or such related terms.

pg.7, 2nd panel|| Something about Yuno's second speech bubble ticks me off, as it sounds awkward if said out loud.
EDIT: "...that I will show." This was the part that threw things off; the whole invitation already presumes a show of skill. The whole thing sounds better without this part. Perhaps the original Japanese text also has this emphasis?

pg.10, 1st panel|| I don't know if it is my sixth sense or me just being sharp... → I don't know if it is my sixth sense or just my being sharp...
(As with the one on pg.4. I'll leave it to your discretion.)

4th panel|| As well for Kami-sama's honor → As well as for Kami-sama's honor
(Alternative rendering: And for Kami-sama's honor as well.)

pg.22, 3rd panel|| Maybe with this person... I should become a little more serious with... → Maybe with this person... I should become a little more serious...
(Redundant use of with, unless the original really has this as well.)

pg.25, 2nd panel|| then do not be resting in that spot forever → then do not rest in that spot forever
(Does Luna have some kind of speech pattern? If she does, feel free to ignore this. It sounds quite awkward when said out loud. Alternatively, you can replace "be resting" with "keep resting", or "stay resting".)

pg.33, 1st panel|| had ever had → has ever had
(Oh God not this @#$^# again, I had had enough of being had back then by having had to study this. Suffice it to say, that because Luna's not talking about an event previous to something already in the past, it should be has ever had rather than had ever had.)

pg.34, 1st panel|| This was a perfect chance to see what you are truly made of. → This was a perfect chance to see what you were truly made of.
(Tense consistency: the infinitive "to see" gets in the way, but does not change the established tense of the sentence.)

All these corrections are subject to the original Japanese text and/or the vagaries of English. For example, if there is a reason to keep calling Athena a "god" rather than "goddess" (for comparison, think of NGE's consistently wrong "children" when talking about the individual pilots), then please ignore the relevant comments.

All in all, thanks for the work! No need to ask us to be patient; courtesy of a certain illness, everyone's potentially a patient anyway.
Active member
Dec 28, 2018
Well I'm enjoying this so I can't wait for more to come out
I like this new girl even if the people here seem to shit on her for no reason. People saying she forced him to be her knight but he literally could have just said no and chosen someone else.
I guess it's just a case of people being too aggressive
Group Leader
May 26, 2020
@Ncararc ...Time to open photoshop again...
That whole "God/Goddess" thing should have been something I would normally correct on sight, but I guess that was a page I did late last night.
Thanks for finding such a large amount of errors. Will have these updated shortly.

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