@Orange_Orange Sweden is overrun by SJW's and the men are dominated by the women. If you ask someone from the MGTOW movement, that country is full of cucks. It's that bad. That country is the worst possible example of feminism. Which, again, leads back to my point on why men today view feminism in a bad light. It also has nothing to do with the assholes back in the 70's that looked down on feminists because they were women. The average guy today could care less if you're a woman as long as you do your job right and treat others decently, we don't give a damn if you're a woman.
At least, it was that way until the third wave of feminists came about. They are so bad even the original feminists from the 70's up look down and frankly despise the modern feminists. Because they actually do not want equality at all. They want all the perks that come with being a woman, all the socital things such as treat women respectfully, pay for their meal because it's the "gentlemanly" thing to do, etc etc. All while treating men like shit. Like being able to abuse or hit men with little to no repercussions. One of the biggest reasons why marriages have gone down in recent years is because of these women. For example: They cheat on their spouse, and the courts almost always rule in their favor all because they are a "woman" and they know this. And when it comes to the kids, the courts always try and give the custodial rights to women, even when it is scientifically proven that children need their fathers just as much if not more than their mothers. And guess what? They will FORCE you to pay for child support. So while your ex-wife is fucking her new boy toy in your old house that the courts gave to your ex-wife along with the rights to the kids, your living in a car/shitty apartment supporting her whorish life. Ya, "equality." Fuck that.
And yes, the gender pay gap is bullshit. It always was, and always will be a dumb argument women bring up just because they can't accept the fact men work harder and are more skilled at their job then them. Just recently Susan Somers came out about how it was unfair she didn't make the same amount as John Ritter did on Three's Company. Even though the star of the show was him, even though he brought in the most viewers, and he as a comedian was better than her in every way. For some reason though, she should make as much money as him. Why? When she was fired the show went on just fine without her until it ended naturally after 8 seasons proving exactly what her worth was: Not important enough to make as much money as the star.
You know what the biggest crack in the gender pay gap is tho? It's literally ILLEGAL to pay someone less money because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or political standpoint. If it's bad as all these women claim it to be, there would be hundreds maybe even thousands of arrests for discrimination and breaking the law. How many have you actually seen?
The sad reality is, the ONLY possible reason the average man makes more money is because he usually does more overtime, covering shifts, doesn't take as many days off, etc. Yet, women want the same exact amount of money as these men for half the work. It's bs. Don't get me wrong tho, there are PLENTY of hardworking women out there. And guess what? They aren't the ones complaining about making less money then a guy doing the same job and with the same amount of time and effort they put into their work. This is an age of entitled fake victims.
Again, I reiterate. I have nothing against women that want actual equality. All my female family members work their asses off and I respect hard working decent women. But I despise the new age feminists and the bs they have created.