Shinen no Majutsushi ~Hangyakusha to shite Yuuheisareta Ore wa Fushi no Karada to Saikyou no Chikara wo Teniire Boukensha to shite Nariagaru~

Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
The term 'trash' gets thrown around a lot on mangadex, iv enjoyed (to some degree) some manga that others have absolutely shit all over, this is not one of those manga.

The art is passable, but the writing , character design and plot are degrees of unfun cringe that I very quickly found myself skimming through pages in hopes of getting to something more interesting, it never happened. There is almost nothing of redeeming value in this one I am afraid, it really is deserving of the title Trashekai - because it will transport you to another manga instantly.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
Wow, another manga where the MC is given literally everything without having to work for it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Uhm can we talk about the title?
Long titles that spoil the first few chapters are the norm with low-tier fantasy manga.
This is just a few more drops of uninspired hackery in a sea of cliches.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2019
i read the first chapter. and i was FLABBERGASTED. theres another manga i unfortunately read, called Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku which i initially thought was the most trash, generic isekai plot manga there was. i read it to make sure my taste is still good, so that if i catch an update and suddenly enjoy it, i can stop reading manga and stop the damage.

this manga tho... surpasses it in every single way. in fact, its so bad i cannot stand reading it. looks like i am to continue reading manga then.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2020
I genuinely don't know how this is on the popular rotation, I had to drop this 3 times and pick it up 3 times in the span of like 2 weeks to even fully get through the first volume. But they just have the generic parts but skip the good parts about the usual generic shows, like:
  • Training up the other people in the party
  • Training arc to become strong
  • Showing off
  • Adventurers guild and quests
  • World building (even a little bit would help)
  • Any semblance of character development or having the side characters being more than a one dimensional trope
Yeah. It's worse than trash somehow.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
The thing with a popular titles list is...they tend to make said titles even more popular :pepela:

Trash isekai (/pixiv one-pager) generates a certain number of clicks. People complain about the quality in the forum, causing the title to repeatedly show up in the comments list. Others see the complaints and click to see what the fuss is about. Number of engagements puts title in top ten. Exposure from top ten list pushes awareness of the title to those who missed it and didn't see it in the forum. Engagement rises, securing a position in the top ten list. Repeat ad nauseum.

Is a horrible positive feedback loop of negativity :fml:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2020
The term 'trash' gets thrown around a lot on mangadex, iv enjoyed (to some degree) some manga that others have absolutely shit all over, this is not one of those manga.

The art is passable, but the writing , character design and plot are degrees of unfun cringe that I very quickly found myself skimming through pages in hopes of getting to something more interesting, it never happened. There is almost nothing of redeeming value in this one I am afraid, it really is deserving of the title Trashekai - because it will transport you to another manga instantly.
so.... you agree it's trash then... 🤨
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
How tf did this hit the "popular new titles" banner on the home page? Its not good, like at all
Seriously. It's at #3 with a 5 rating. What is up with MD's popular threshold? Is it viewcounts or something. I usually have a high 'bad' tolerance but this is impressively boring and generic.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Prove to me an AI didn't write the story to this.

No, no. It's so fucking generic that the burden of proof is on the mangaka/author/publisher, I don't care. I refuse to believe that this wasn't written by an AI until I see proof otherwise.

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