Shingeki no Kyojin - Vol. 33 Ch. 131 - Rumbling

Feb 26, 2019
Now this is what I called masterpiece not some code geass bullshit everyone magically friend with each other because one villain this manga depicted human nature by itself
Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2018
Good chapter right until that flirting crap.
Go, Eren, go!
Dec 22, 2019
Read Right-to-Left | Double Page. You are welcome.

Btw, thanks for a sensible translation
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
Eren: / explains he is disappointed with the outside world because is as full of shit as the inside, except they built a super xenophobic narrative, complete with ghettos and all, to want them dead. Arrives at the conclusion that there is no hope so only nukes remain. Feels like shit but does it because he doesnt want to die and again, surrended himself in pure hopelessness agaisnt his own fate.

Readers: OmG HE BAD!!!111


I honestly felt really bad for everyone in this chapter. The Armin and Annie shit was cute tho, and now the shippers can die in peace, but It was really sad to see Eren feel a mix of guilt and determination knowing what was going to happen. Also the kid dying horribly.

I do wonder If the titans will only attack in herd, which would give a small window of opportunity to avoid them. Like some users mentioned, there aren't nearly enough titans to fully make a long enough circle so people can't avoid them. So in theory, you could anticipate them and take refuge in paradis or smth while they destroy one side of the planet.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2019
@flyforfunjr Well with Code Geass in general, the end result worked to a degree because everyone was human to the knowledge of the world, all C power stuff put to one side. Lelouch made himself their number one enemy, him and no one else, because he got rid of Britannia's nobility systems and by the end was subjugating them too. And that created one threat that everyone could hate.
Attack on Titan could never take that route because the eldians will always be a threat so long as titan shifter powers exist. It's why the world wishes to commit genocide against them. It's also a bit why I'm worried for the ending, as they cannot expect a Code Geass route to work. After what Eren has done, the world will want every eldian killed to prevent this from ever happening again.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Doomroar I agree with you. Eren hasn't explored any other option and decided on Genocide right off the bat. The Azumabito were willing to work with the Eldians, some Marleyans too so why didn't he try to negotiate with other countries? Other countries might fear the titans' power and leave them alone.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@miyako19 because the Azumabito said that the other countries are unwilling to cooperate (Hell, even Eldians themselves are supporting those who wish to get rid of Paradise Islanders), and the Marleyans only helped Paradise Island to gain their trust in order to carry out the merciful killing plan.

At the beginning of the arc, it was stated that
1) Marley's been using the Titans in order to fight and conquer other countries.
2) Titans will soon not be a threat anymore, thanks to technology
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@Doomroar The problem is that a lot of people keeps insisting that there was another way, but either don't point out how, or choose to ignore some of the information that is in the manga. It was explained by the Azumabito in chapter 123 that it's unlikely that any country will side with them, even those at odds with Marley/allied with the Azumabito.
In the same chapter, it is shown that even the Eldians from the continent wants them dead.
The people that they were counting on to catch up with the other countries technologywise planned to stab them in the back all along, which makes the whole plan with the Royal family eating each others unlikely to succeed. Especially since the anti-titans weapons from other countries were getting close to be completed.
Marley invited world leaders from all over the world to ask them for help to wipe out Paradise Island before Eren even did anything.
And what reason would they have to refuse ? Marley was using Titans to wage war and conquer other countries. They were basically asking for other countries to make them reduce tremendously their weapon stock.
Active member
Oct 6, 2019
@NoxDRaz what do you mean. I gave perfectly good reason why I feel that way. The only way anyone could disagree is if they believed in utalitarianism. But that's an inherantly flawed philosophy because what 1 human does in his life time can outweigh and out value what a billion other humans did in there lives all put together. If you don't believe that I just need to mention one name that proves it's objectively true. Nikola Tesla. Further more, the people on the island are within there rights. They never would've went on the offensive if not attacked by the "sentient Titans." But they were, they found out the truth, they were justifiably pissed. And Abby sucks.
Dec 17, 2019
I hope we can all agree that the events of this manga is producing some genuinely interesting discussions in the comments and that is always welcome.
Apr 29, 2019
And that's what makes it more realistic. With all the shits that happened, pretty much he is emotionally and mentally tired. Majority of people would do the same if they were in his shoes, might just end everything. Just try to think how you'll act if you were Eren, will you still be on the right mind to think of others or on the right mind to make proper decisions?

Problem is — we tend to expect for MCs to always make the "good/right" decisions which is very unrealistic cause they are still humans, we tend to save ourselves first in times of trouble. Or rather we'd always take the fastest route towards comfort.

This arch just really depicts how fucked up human emotions are.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@Asta All of those points come from Marley's propaganda, everything that the world knows from Paradis island comes from Marley, including what the Eldians from the continent know about, and Marley is a country that is already at odds with the world and that is a few years from losing their military advantage.

The moment people who went to Paradis island gave themselves the opportunity to learn what was actually going on is where the alternative happened, but instead of opening that door and increase diplomatic actions, they bite on Marley's bait and confirmed their narrative by attacking the conference. Even after doing that they still had allies on the inside, they still could have used that to their advantage, but they didn't, they could have taken Marley's role on the global conflict by exposing how Marley was lying in order to defend their own interest.

Also there's a great reason for the other countries to refuse Marley's offer, not only where they lying, Paradis Island was no longer planning world conquest, but the Rumbling turned out to be real, they could have come to an agreement to cooperate with Paradis Island while they developed their own anti titans weapons, the oportunity alone of being able to buy time in order to avoid being defenseless is worth refusing Marley, while Paradis Island could have used that time to fostered better international relations to the point that the conflict wouldn't have been needed, but that didn't happen either.

Those are the alternatives, you don't even need to count on the good will of others you just had to use what they had, factual information and an actual superior military powers based on magic.

@Harjeli I get you but realism is not always a good thing to have i fiction, and i don't think the author is going for a realistic portrayal of a human in here, i think that doing something like that this late in the game is not only pointless but irresponsible.

Realism quite a niche thing that hardly ever works in fiction, because reality doesn't has to answer to consistency, for example in reality Australia had people become toilet paper robbers because they hoarded TP in a panic and ran out of it, if you put such an event in a serous story that has been known for characters answering to a narrative logic in a fantastical setting, then it would become a gag.

For a fictional work narrative consistency is more important than realism, If the author is gonna show Eren having feelings of guilt for things that he has yet to do, i want the story to address that and build upon it, i want the story to explicitly answer what was happening there, and tell me if Eren was genuinely conflicted and is deluding himself thinking that this is the only way (in which case this means that he can probably be talked out of it if someone presents him some other options), or if he was just being an hypocrite and never meant any of that (in which case he will just keep doing what he is doing, but should have never apologized for it, since he wasn't being genuine about it in the first place), or if something else was going on.

However if we are aiming for realism, the author doesn't has to do anything with it, he can just write it off as something that happens because humans are that way and never touch on it again, it was just a phase that happened once, and that was all there was to it. With realism some things just will happen and they wont have any impact to a story, real lief has filler, real life does not care about consistency.

War and Peace is a novel with a lot of realism, it is probably the one novel with the most realism out there, and it is plagued with stuff like that, it is a struggle to read because every character is realistic, probably 80% goes nowhere, just like in real life, it is a bunch of biographycal events, and developments made into a story taken from interviews, people just exist, and that's important, and is what the novel is known for, it makes you appreciate the meaning of the meaningless, the purposeless, the death ends that go nowhere, the plot lines that don't pay off, the events without connection, because realism is like that, is about the side characters that have little to no impact on the story.

But this manga is not a realistic story, it has mature themes, it has gruesome themes, it has a somber tone, but is not realistic, nor its characters nor its events aim for realism, if we are going to push for realism now, then how can we know what is important to note and what is just a quirk product of realism?
Dec 27, 2019
Man, people sure do miss the point entirely, don't they? People think there's no room for other people on the earth, when it's the EXACT opposite of that, and even Eren knows it. Eldians cannot coexist with others, they're the odd ones out, they're the monster shapeshifters. There's no solution in which they get a happy ending, while pleasing a majority. The wall king realized this, Zeke realized this, and they all picked the path of self sacrifice and making the majority happy. Eren picked the path of saving the few he cares about over the many. The rest is just him beating himself over the guilt of having to carry on the act. He's just hoping the freedom of an empty world can make what he did even remotely bearable, which it won't, but lucky for him he'll die soon regardless. The right answer is there is no right answer, it really is as simple as that. You just have to pick a solution though, wishy washy, holier than thou fence sitting doesn't cut it. You pick either "everyone I ever known, loved, and cared about dies" or "everyone else in the world dies". No, holding hands and singing kumbaya isn't a solution, you're not god. People don't even accept each other for being a shade lighter or darker, you think they'll accept building sized man eating monsters?
Mar 13, 2019
Exactly what @Watapon said.

And even Eren tried many times to find a more peaceful resolution but once his last attempt at the peace conference went down the drain he understood there was no other option.

"If all the world hates us and they won't change their minds about it, then I'll exterminate them so my loved ones can have a future" is what he basically said.

I also liked the fact that we finally saw Eren's reaction to his decision. I'm still hoping for him to win.

Why is people still saying Armin's feelings are influeced by Bertholt?
Eren said that but for all we know, he just said it to prove a fake point on their conversation with Mikasa and Armin.
Hell, he mentioned Mikasa's headaches on how the real personality ia trying to fight back but we just got the real memory on the last chapter where Zeke crearly mentioned there was no such think like that mentioned by titan specialsts or Mr Xavier.
I do believe he has feelings for her because when they finally arrived at the basement, he felt empathy for the Warrior's actions towards Paradis.
Mind you, i'm not a shipper so i won't care either way if they don't end up together
Aug 24, 2019
You know, it was nice seeing Eren agonize over his decision to destroy the world. It really brings his point of view into perspective. I never believed he was the soulless monster people have said he is for X amount of chapters now (he's still a monster mind you, just not a soulless one), and this chapter confirmed it. This is important to note; Eren doesn't want to do this. Eren was willing to give peace a chance and wanted peace. The rest of the world did not. He has to do this because there is no other way his loved ones can survive otherwise. If they hadn't outright wiped out the Eldians (which is what they were planning to do, at least the Paradis Eldians), then the world would have continued to denounce, discriminate, hate and kill Eldians like they had been for X amount of years.

This doesn't make what Eren is doing right but I can at the very least understand why he's doing it. Eren himself thinks of himself as worse than Reiner and co. That says a lot with how fiercely he hated them.

Try to put yourselves in his shoes. Would you simply sit down and silently accept the deaths of all your loved ones if you had the power to prevent that from happening? I'd be inclined to believe you're full of shit if you say yes.

I think what's tragic about the kid is that I think he realized what Eren was talking about just before getting crushed. Also, surprised he could see Ymir just before getting crushed. I wonder what that was about?

As for Armin and Annie's budding romance...not a fan of it really. Not just because I'm not a shipper and dislike shipping culture in general, but it just feels so forced. I expected it to happen after Annie joined up with them, but I still feel it's forced. It's just awkward and weird because this manga has been largely devoid of romance other than a few instances (particularly Mikasa's obsessive love for Eren). It just doesn't fit. Not at this point.

Looking forward to the next chapter.
Jul 25, 2020
sooo.... basically some boy goes *splat* and armins being a simp? also OCTOBER EDITION??!! you mean I have to wait until OCTOBER for another chapter???

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