From a secret military operation, battle in the snowmountain to school battle fighting all horny teenager and school nurse, everything is going downhill from here.
I think the reason this arc's so damn long is because they're introducing a lot of new characters and plot points that will be a big deal later, like Richard and the princess. That being said a lot of the parts with them faffing about around school haven't been that enjoyable.
@Dr_Harnsaft like I said magic is too scarce and can’t be reproduce or mass produced cause only special people have them(in the series mostly women who have nectar 99% of the time) or the gods(already left for some reason),dudes that use magic tools doesn’t count anyone can use those maybe except the water castle only water nectar user can use those, are the once making them.
We haven’t really seen actual mages in the series who is knowledgeable about actual magic, history surrounding magic is still a mystery.