@spudcommando The NotMongols of this world is unifying themselves and modernizing their ways of war, they must be numbered
in the hundreds of thousands and are experienced warriors. Now the north of Yashimano is rich with natural resources and the devils of yashimano and the notmongols are interested in that area that at the moment is controlled by the Hasas.
Add to it the fact that they seem to have joined forces with Dhala you can make a rough picture of the intentions of these parts, as to why the devils are joining forces with Dhala when they are a bunch of racists fucktards that don't like anyone of any other race? Well from what we noticed from Dhala has the same ideology about other "weak" races and the end of the age of gods. As to why the notmongols are entering the fray, my guess is as good as anyone, as we don't have any information on that yet.
Hope i helped a little and i know i wasn't very clear but you will have to bear with me a little on my explanation.XD