Shinju no Nectar

May 16, 2019
beyond the
Titty sucking niche fan service (not complaining 😜)
this is actually a really well thought out story:
yes it has all the stereotypical Isekai tropes, but it doesn't rely on any of them for example:

Truck-Kun: MIA

the cheat: yes he's got a pretty OP one that self -inserts would love but at the same time
you can count the amount of times he's used it even after 39 chapters on your hands, and the reasons for it are reasonable.
after all, hes not a conjoined twin of the cursed tit chicks, plus he does have a job to do
not only that, the author doesn't rely on it ( at least until the climax fights, where its meant be used both inside the story, and outside as a story telling tool)

the Harem: the harem in itself takes back stage, but the characters in the harem are highly active and mostly irreplaceable to the story (mostly),

one of the few MC's i don't feel like punching (often)- but since everyone is an adult there's really no excuse for the virgin act- especially with all the nudity and tits and such.

{side note: i never understood why showing the act of making life is so hated and despised but,
violence and death- the one thing no human or even animal ever wants to have happen to them, is totally OK?}

The Fantastic Species: yeah its got all of em so far; elves, goblins, orcs, fish people, the Asian myths, etc... but its not the stereotype rip-off dnd tolkein mmo

the Magic/tech level: OK so its, the good ole
'tech vs. magic'
scenario, but i guess you could say this world would be

the after effect of all those 'summoned-NEETs' desperate for soy-sauce and slow(re:lazy)-life's showing up all the time in a dark ages magic land.
the tech this guy gives, is far more subtle and era appropriate eg: Manganese has also long been used in glass-making by Egyptians and Romans.

Greek historian Herodotus makes the claims in The Histories of the 5th century BC that Glaucus of Chios "was the man who single-handedly invented iron welding".
Welding was used in the construction of the Iron pillar of Delhi, erected in Delhi, India about 310 AD and weighing 5.4 metric tons
<yah i copy pasted from a reliable
( but not perfect) source

also NO "super katana because katanas are best" type of thing this isn't a 'sword hero fixes everything with a sword' type of manga - the mc would just get shot in the face-
in fact he actually does LOOOL !! with FUTURE TECH no less!

the secret identity: its secret for a good reason- more than "i want to be lazy".
people will hunt him down to suck out and eat his brain to find more earth- tech, and thats a good enough reason to hide, besides the usual political pawn drama

the world politics: pretty typical, you got the evil Nazi analog, the "ÜK"analog the fantasy Japan- etc.. nothing unusual at all even got the classic fantasy map going on
( I had to laugh when i saw this worlds Ïreland is actually Canada) classic horned dwarf land and more but i already talked about that part.
oddly (refreshingly) fantajapan is portrayed slightly more historically accurate (for a fantasy with elves), instead of the typical flag waving super samurai katana you always see. ohh gotta add that to the magic tech partˆ , although that part might kill its anime chances.

the royal families drama: was bound to happen in this type of manga but the MC isn't one of them (not unusual). fuck, it happens IRL....

Demon Lord/ Dragon Lord/ Demon God/ Ultimate Super Evil yadda yadda:
not mentioned but, probably somewhere doing something. i mean there should be a reason for the cursed tits to exist right?
and i don't just mean for the fans of that either.

i should add more but i think you get the point that , yah its got all the stuff everyone complains about BUT! careful non-lazy writing and decent art work make it enjoyable
not a masterpiece but definitely far above the mediocre- i would totally watch this if it make it to Anime ( hopefully by a censor/editing hateing company)

should i add more?........ nahhh i talk to much already...

PS: the TL is pretty on point as well, they picked a good one.
Nov 18, 2019
I usually hate Harem. I would have passed this up if I saw the tag. I happened to find a link that brought me to the first chapter and the story began. I was surprised. The story seems to matter and the ecchi is just enough. This is how Ecchi and Harem should be.
Jan 1, 2020
It's honestly nice to see a harem series where for once the story takes front and centre over the fan service.
Nov 14, 2019
Hold on. We have Earth (Lightning>Metal>Earth), Fire, Water, Wind... and I'm guessing we're about to get Heart. Go... planet?
Jul 12, 2018
So am I the only one confused as to what exactly mermaid blood does?
In the previous arc it was dangerous magic steroids or something to that effect? Now its somesort of sex drug???
So confused as to why Celes is causing orgies tbh.
Nov 18, 2019

It seems that their goal is to destabilize the government. This country is one of the largest if not the largest opponent for the Bad Guys. Celes is probably being mind controlled also I suspect. Mermaids blood could potentially be something that enhances the effects of formulas. eg. Steroids? They are now magical Steroids.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 2, 2018
shit af

fanservice be like "oh shit i havent shown tidies in the chapter fast i need to put some weird ass sex scenes, lets say that they can't control their hornyness, weebs will see nothing since they are just there for the tits"

art isnt even that good and the story is inexistant since the fanservice talk about half of the chapters, stop lying to yourself, every works of this artist are the same.
Apr 13, 2020
A Hidden Gem! The Story and Plot are balanced and the MC is not completely reliant on his powers and actually uses his brain for once. Would recommend 10/10.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2020
This series has everything. Titties, kickass god-powers, stupid ecchi, smart strategy, and just about everything in between. It ain't exactly the fine wine of fiction, but it's still pretty damn good. Definitely worth a read.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
It has nice art and great tits. Story is not very original. A better version of the Ring King.
Group Leader
Aug 19, 2018
ngl i came for the titties but the story and world is interesting enough that ill stay. Also the scanlations are solid
Jul 19, 2019
I think it's kinda a japanese manga trope that the President of SC Celestia the Molestia is the ring leader.

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