They use them as a symbol to be below them. So I'm sure they either force them to populate to a certain amount or have a cut-off number to how many they treat that way so that they never get to dangerously low levels.Man, this is just straight up bad writing. The discrimination is so blatantly over the top that is becomes implausible and unrealistic. How are there even any black haired elves left`?
No, it should be obvious but Angelica serves as the measurement of "normalness". Even though she's probably stronger now than most, the story won't let her and/or her thinking get too far away from what's suppose to be common.Bit of a, bit of b and a dash of "shes slowly ceasing to be human".
Mizet is a mixed race with dwarf. maybe that's correlated.All I know is that Mizet had better have a damn good reasoning for abandoning his people like he did.
just bleach your skin off, wear a mask girl, jesus.Just cut your fucking hair off. Wear a hat girl, jesus.
Man, this is just straight up bad writing. The discrimination is so blatantly over the top that is becomes implausible and unrealistic. How are there even any black skinned human left`?Man, this is just straight up bad writing. The discrimination is so blatantly over the top that is becomes implausible and unrealistic. How are there even any black haired elves left`?
Plus, now you're butt ugly AND discriminated against. You're just giving the harassers more ammo to harass you with. It's a dumb fuck ideaUnless going bald somehow increases magic powers in elfs, then that plan is bound to fail before it even begins.
Given her background, I'd say ambition.Misery loves company -- Angelica/Freya
I love that Angelica supposedly hates all the training but she still comes back for more.
Stockholm Syndrome or just a plain old masochist?
I think this one may be just as crazy as Rick, so I am expecting some amazing results.Oh no, another student about to go through hell. By the time theyre done the bastard race will be on their knees begging for forgiveness.
She has the same hairstyle, even. Only difference bteween the two is the ears and hair color.Welcome, Angelica Mk. II.S