@LightningMagnum please dont talk such bullcrap, am not a sjw, side worst a feminist whore, used-up e-thots or beta bluepilled simps, in fact, the one that can match those descriptions are you, am not sure if you knew this, but the universe doesnt spin around you, your girlfriend or wife could have had a few boyfriends or partners before she came into your life and that wouldnt turn her into a whore or lavish.
Also, if you love someone, why would you torment yourself with their past, if you werent her first, thay doesnt devaluate her value as a woman, if they were with someone else or if they had sex before meeting you, so what???? They arent less humans just because of that.
Honestly, your comment is the most stupid, virginal and simp comment i've ever seing, it makes you look like a person that never exited his fantasy bubble nor have set a foot outside your home, it makes you look ignorant, this isnt the middle age where people were measured by them being chaste or virgin, you really have some heavy issues if you think like that.