Shinu hodo Kimi no Shojo ga Hoshii

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2020
Lemme see if I understand this plot right:
MC marries a beautiful woman who is faithful to him, but because she has more sexual experience than him, he resents her to the point that he would go back in time and manipulate the woman so she can remain "pure" by losing her virginity to him? FOH, MC doesn't deserve his wife.
Apr 16, 2020
This is totally stupid. A fat guy's power fantasy trip LMFAO.
The guy is incompetent, not confident in self, and says he doesn't care for his appearance but self pities himself calling himself unfit for his wife while also being unable to satisfy her? The fuck?
Authors love to use the "Love needs no reason" thing to justify this bullshit writing. Read the first chapter and from that, I can tell, she will fall for him later? probably because out of 7 billion people, only he's "kind". Another cliche troupe used in trash stories. Using the "oh I look ugly no one will ever like me" trait has become so widespread to evoke empathy from the reader that it's fucking annoying now. I whole-heartedly implore anyone read this comment to move away from this trash.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2020
This isn't that bad, i mean yeah is bad real bad, but not how people is saying, we can learn a lot for bad stuff like this and this have that effect, i mean you don't want to be like the mc don't you? and is well said that when you hit rock bottom all you can do is go up, so maybe there is a little hope for the mc? dunno i follow to see where is going.
Jan 24, 2018
this is actually pretty solid, I'm enjoying and you just need to turn your brain off and you'll be very entertained, this is far better than the regular cliche vanilla romance were everybody is clean and happy
Apr 26, 2020
You know, I hope the mc well do some self improvement, like I don't know, become less ulgy bastard and more harem protagonist (cause at least they look better)
Jul 26, 2020
@raven3lise EXACTLY. That’s so creepy lol, like why are some guys are obsessed with the idea of a girl being a virgin? I get that it’s basically a porn plot, but still yikes
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2018
"time leap" stories like this are well trodden ground at this point, but one unusual aspect of this work is that unlike alot of those stories where they go back in time to fix a really bad mistake or to change their awful circumstances for the better, this story begins with the protagonist neither regretting some terrible tragedy or living a terrible life. The protagonists motivation "to take his wives virginity" is problematic to say the least.

Japan has a weird fetishization of female virginity in general, but it can get to absurd levels in otaku circles (forcing idols to shave their heads to apologize for dating men comes to mind). This type of misogyny really only harms both men and women. I think its totally reasonable to dislike those elements and drop the series for it. Personally I think I'm going to hang in abit longer to see where it goes.
Mar 7, 2019
This is really interesting, why the rating so low? I want to see what MC contemplation at the end of the story. Human life and their future is so fragile that it can make or break with a little nudge.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 6, 2019
Good read. If you bother reading comments, be ready for a ton of whiny white knights.
Aug 18, 2020
Ok I was wrong, i was influenced by the disturbing amount of NTR cheating hentai I’ve recently delved into. But the more I read this the more I want to die
Nov 14, 2019
It's not really that good, but I am very amused by
how this guy dies every other chapter. Like seriously, every other chapter. It's honestly hilarious.
Jan 24, 2018
Why do I keep reading this its so fucking creepy. Like it wouldn't be bad if he was just trying to get back to his original timeline, but him trying to be her first is just weird. I imagine this will end with that, he'll give up on trying to be her first because he'll realize she isn't the same person anymore.

I absolutely hate my need to keep reading things I've started no matter how bad it is.

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