as a finnish man, i have no real problem with this. Compared to the Kenyan mannerheim she is pretty good but Juutilainen was a fighter ace not a frontline commander, they could have used Lauri Törni for that role. Overall pretty good
@kurosa Boobs are better than no-boobs, to hell with historical accuracy. i mean, all you need to do is look at the Fate series to see how people have just accepted the inevitability of it
Why you gotta do my man Simo like this. He's lookin pretty good tbh but remembering his face from my old history books and then seeing this just makes me a bit uncomfortable
@clarksonhector Are you asking for what reason the entertainment industry exists? It's something that has existed since the dawn of civilization, and will continue to exist until our civilization collapses or the communists take over the whole world (because they don't like entertainment). At the end of the day it's a profession, a way to make a living and profit. This particular work is a product of mass entertainment industry. It exists because of a few conditions are fulfilled: A large amount of people have more money than they need for their basic needs and have enough free time to enjoy entertainment, and technology exists to make mass reproduction plausible and affordable.