I'm happy to state I feel as if the old ending will not be happening. It's quite clear that, this time around, Yuuta in Yui will be killing him/erself, while Yui in Yuuta and Kazuma will be having homo-hetero sex. It's a bit dramatic for Yuuta in Yui to be killing him/erself, and also makes little sense given her narration earlier in the series implying (s)he lived on, bitter and sad, but I think it makes sense if you look a little further, as in into universal truths of society and such. So, that one noodles delinquent just showed him up hard, you know? Right after being raped (maybe sexually assaulted; kissing isn't all the way there), Yuuta in Yui was calling him a man among men. That girly boy's completely lost his dignity and self sense. And this is after Yuuta in Yui's dumbo love interest blondie true Yui decided to stunt his growth earlier (never written, but implied from her dysphoria over growing taller and clearly seen from how Yui isn't towering Yuuta by being a Yuuta that has grown to become taller than the Yuuta that remains within Yui and is a girl biologically if not mentally and therefore put at a height disadvantage due to sexual dimorphism). This will mean the being everyone but Kazuma, Yui, and Yuuta know as Yuuta will remain a joke for the rest of his/her life, because being short means everyone forever will have laughs at your expense, never take one seriously as a man rather than a child, call everything do you Napoleonic but not in a way that views his achievements positively (even though Napoleon was average and not short for his lifetime), denounce any of your successes as (over)compensation, shame you for existing, call for your genocide or at least eugenic cleansing online or even in person, in real life, though not to your face, as if confronted they will likely scramble to mention that you're not really that short, they were talking about like crippingly short men that are below 5'8" (173 cm) or so which happens to be your height or so and they're basically fabricating exceptions on the spot to make it seem as if they were not jabbing barbs at you but having a good chuckle at someone else's expense, I mean, it's only a spot of banter, yes, bantah, the Bantuh, BANTZ, as if, really, honestly, yeah. Point is, being a small man even amongst the small islanders in the West Pacific is to suffer and the only honorable way for UTAAAAAAAH to escape his o' 'er predictament is to commit seppuku, which is the only hardcore thing to ever originate from the Rice Isles except maybe that one time they murder raped a ton of people from China, the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States, Korea, Vietnam, et cetera et al and then came out of it blameless, clean streeted, and manufacturing cars and life wasting entertainment media that might actually help keep those streets clean to be fair and look at the bright side of shut-ins to society. Having committed to such a course, then he can die imagining his limbo inept childhood friendzone pseudo-trap Yui would eventually grow taller due to his parents' genetics and generally pretend that everything would turn out OKKEE.
But it won't, because his body will end up anally devastated by his best/second best friend, who will take charge and exploit the sadness and fear about to rush in as the manly protector of the boy-girl-not-a-man Yui. Oh, Kazuma is no evil one and won't push up his glasses and be consciously aware of what he's doing, but he will be smart and make the best of a bad situation.
TL;DR: Yuuta will be the greatest wingman of all time and die, that his two questionably homosexual friends might spiritually NTR him.