Shokugeki no Soma

Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
even if we won't get any more new chapters it's fine since the rest are terrible anyway
Apr 4, 2018
Allora: leggendo gli ultimi numeri mi rendo conto che tutto si riallaccia ai temi della prima e seconda serie, vedi Aldini che utilizza i semi di kaki usati da Soma nella loro prima battaglia e la tartaruga dal guscio molle usata da Hisako nel suo hamburger, viene alla mente che Soma ha solennemente promesso ad Erina di farle assaggiare un piatto che la stupisca è le faccia dire che è buono... Sai a ricorda il leggendario Benkei, collezionista d'armi sottratte in duello, il quale però non riuscì ad ottenere la millesima spada venendo sconfitto da un giovane samurai.. Il tutto mi fa pensare ad un gran finale glamour, poiché juichiro disse nel secondo volume che un vero cuoco deve "trovare qualcuno per cui cucinare col cuore" più o meno...
Nov 18, 2018
Why is there an ad about this on mangadex with a naked image of nakiri or wtv the god tongue's name is
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2018
I thought some chapters were uploaded, then it has completely gone... weird
Double-page supporter
Jun 21, 2018
Not that I'm too concerned with this series being updated (current arc is well, less-than-desirable), but what's with English translations being a year behind?
Apr 4, 2018
Dipende da cosa volete cercare, Internet non è una badante... Provate su "read Shokugeki no soma online." .. Non è difficile... 😉
Mar 25, 2019
i guess this series doesn't get updated on here in english??? that's kinda weird.... um i guess if anyone wants to read it in english and catch up to the latest chapter just go to 'readshokugekinosoma' dot com???? was kinda hoping it was updated here so i can just move to one manga site but rip i guess
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
a manga with a great start that kinda dug itself into a hole and progressively got worse
Nov 24, 2018
In ch 07 Ishiki said that half of the dorm couldn't make it to the welcoming party but isn't that all of them?

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
This is painful to say.
I have never tried a series that has the potential not to have a good ending and can accept most episodic ones. But this is very disappointing. I agree with everyone's comments that the story gets worse.
The author clearly seems to have run out of ideas and all the patterns feel bland to be enjoyed. It is very clear that it left an awkward impression of each existing process. And after accumulating thoroughly, the journey as a whole is just a fight to rise to the top, ease on various sides that are not at all interesting like what I expected from the start.

The author should develop difficulties to advance and emphasize truly strong inspiration in becoming a chef, even here in the size of a well-known school, it turns out that it only plays on its own turf.
And is getting worse when all chefs around the world can be embarrassed defeated by runny kids who are still green to really fight in the field <- this is silly development, really.

I was a little entertained when someone said that the newest arc actually gives the impression of 'Action' manga.
*laugh nervously* As I can see, the conclusion of a struggle for love that is not even clearly connected from the start by the characters. Then at the end talk about
someone's family problems until the inheritance
gets pulled, inviting other ridiculous things.

There are many parts that can feel the bitter struggle, loss, togetherness - but their journey is not too great, not more challenged and ends up being able to facilitate everything easily. So, it's not logical I think. And it really makes a lot of loopholes. But I still appreciate the efforts of a former H artist. If told to be chosen, I think Cuvie is still more skilled at drawing all conflicts into one place and leaving a good impression of harmony in his Kenrantaru Grande Scene.

From 8 to 7.

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