Shokugeki no Soma

Double-page supporter
Feb 16, 2018
This isn't the final chapter, but I think this is part 1 of the final chapter.

That being said, can someone at least place the rest of the missing chapters here? Just because some readers are not happy with how it turned out, doesn't mean the others do as well.
Oct 28, 2018
If that is the final chapter, why does it still say 'ongoing' in Pub. Status?
Jan 26, 2018
Ever walked down a set of stairs and almost trip because you thought there were a few more steps to go before reaching the floor? That's how this ending felt
Feb 24, 2018
I dropped this a while back because it seemed like it would never end (always the next big thing and then the next bigger thing). I might pick this up again someday.
Nov 16, 2018
its not ending here, the thing links you to their personal site. not the official site
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
: Oh, it has ended. Now where did i left it out?

hey wheres the missing chapters? >,> i remember me leaving it at when souma fought with his bro for the first time
Mar 15, 2018
Theres 3 more chapters but you prob got to go on another website to find it. Chapter 315.2 shook me 😬
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 18, 2018
>wew, what a shitty ending, glad I dropped it after the azami arc.
Uh huh, finally this suffering ends.
May 1, 2019
I've spent years reading this progressively worsening manga from the beginning, only to finally work up the courage to drop it at chapter 306, I believe. Imagine my surprise when I see an update for it and it's the official ending all of 9 chapters later. Never would have expected it'd just end like that all of a sudden.

Horrible manga. I don't feel any better having spent the time to finish it.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
I was reading the official release and ugh. They needed to be banned from using the word "umami" ever again. It's like, every single page.
Thank you fan scanslators.
Jul 14, 2019
I really liked this in the beginning. If I just ignored the over the top ecchi foodgasms this was a pretty interesting manga with interesting characters. But then the downward spiral started, and that downward spiral just kept getting worse and worse until it hit its peak with the last arc and the forced love triangle drama. It felt like the whole purpose of the last arc was to push Souma and Erina together (just look at how she blushes when interacting with him in the final two chapters), and the vast majority of Erina's character development was tossed out the window in favor of making her the way she was when Azami first appeared. It was painful to see her so submissive again compared to how badass she had previously become. She recovered and got better near the end, but still. I was very close to dropping it, but I decided to see it through to the end after 300+ chapters.

One of the worst endings to a manga ever. Yeah, I know there's 3 extra chapters or whatever but I feel like the only reason we're getting those is so they can show off all the pairings X amount of years later married with kids etc, particularly Souma and Erina.

It could have been so much better, but in the end it will forever just be mediocre or worse. RIP.
Jul 20, 2018
Yea, ppls are mad

The first half of the series was awesome, so much it was actually considered one of the best Food/ Cooking manga in the history of all cooking mangas...

until it reached the second half after they introduced the gay father that tortures his daughter.

It was then when the series starts to go down hill and can be seen from the ratings.

But at that point it wasn't that bad, they tried to continue making it interesting, but it just doesn't work.

And toward the end they decide to just cancel the series, but instead of a immediately drop like some smaller titles, they decide to just quickly go through the entire plot that was suppose to last another 100-ish chapters into 20-ish chapters. And in order to do this, they literally skipped the cooking part of the manga (the part that usually takes up 2~3 chapters, something like DBZ's powering up in mid of fights)

But this was ultimately the series downfall... by removing what makes the series... more than 80% of the readers dropped the series and the entire series went below one of the worst rated series ever for a semi-big title.

___ ___ ___

It's kinda sad really, the series went from

10 - best cooking manga ever


6 - what the F is this shit plot


2 - where's the cooking

And this isn't really the author's fault, he tried to salvage it and make it interesting again, but it didn't work and the publication decide to cancel the series, but gave it a chance to give the series a closure, but the author doesn't have much chapters to work on it, so he had no choice but to remove time consuming aspects in favor of rushing the plot to the end.
___ ___ ___

BTW, almost all manga sites have removed the manga due to DMCA, however there are still some sites out there (Super Aggressors) with the series up.

One of which shares the same site name as another one that's more legit... lol (the legit one is considered by some to be aggressors, but that's only because they upload works done by scanlation groups before the allowed upload times, IE: some groups requires 3~7 days before they're allowed to be uploaded in manga sites, otherwise they follow more or less the same rule sets as mangadex)
Apr 29, 2019
This manga is easily one of the most depressing and quickest jumps from the top to the bottom. The first half of the series is one of the best shounen cooking mangas to be made. Unfortunately, when the Central arc came, it fell down to Earth. The series still had potential to get back on track after it was over, but it took a only dozen chapters for everything to just completely fall apart and make the manga irredeemable.
Randomly introducing a dark "food mafia" and pulling out some stupid cooking powers that involve using a chainsaw or using explosives to cook, etc. No longer were you able to see delicious food that the characters produced and have the ability to reproduce it in real life.
Not only did the story quality decay into dirt, but the art as well starting getting lazy towards the end, kind of symbolic of the series in general. Some of the main characters are straight up forgotten near the end, some of their development gets reversed, or the payoff for their development never comes into fruition. Having the series be abruptly cut might have been a better way to end this manga than to give the author a set amount of chapters to rush an ending with next to zero closure. For any readers sake, just stop reading after the Central arc ends, it's honestly a more satisfying ending then the trainwreck that is the real "ending."

Chapters 1 - 131: 9.7/10

Chapters 131 - 260: 6/10

Chapters 261 - END: 1/10

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