Shoukan sareta Kenja wa Isekai wo Yuku ~Saikyou nano wa Fuyou Zaiko no Item deshita~

Jul 30, 2020
[ul][/ul]MC is stupid.
[ul][/ul]MC is dense.
[ul][/ul]MC is a coward (at first but then he is able to kill a human)
[ul][/ul]The plot is too cringy.
[ul][/ul]The art is mediocre.

Well, I am going to drop this series as at some point you will feel like smacking the MC a good time as he is so dense that hua friends and comrades are getting killed due to his f*cking stupid nature
Sep 20, 2020
People just complaining down here just makes me sick, just e grateful that there is someone who is out there translating this serie
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 25, 2018
the MC is naive idiot, and the Hero is gullible. 6/10 is the best i can give.
Mar 25, 2019
Woa, this have 5 volumes already, Naruto with 5 volumes had 45 chapters, mangas nowadays are very thin hm.
let me do some math, a Naruto chapter had 20 pages, Shoukan sareta Kenja have 40 pages.
So, it is.
1 Naruto volume had 10 chapters:
20x10 = 200 pages
1 Shoukan sareta Kenja volume have 4 chapters:
40x4 =160 pages
Naruto did had extra pages from introduction for the chapter, information, letters from fans, announcements, it was like 12 extra pages peer volume, even not counting those, a difference of 40 pages is too much ! And i imagine that is the same price as a Naruto volume or even more expensive hmmm.
I don't know how those new mangas earn money from sells, being so thin and expensive, makes sense for so many mangas to get axed easily.
Aggregator gang
Feb 19, 2020
Anyone tell me why this doesn't have a romance tag with what all happened?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
i actually like the art, its pretty unique compared to all the cookie cutter stuff out there
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 14, 2019
@joel7686 a new manga isnt first released in a volime. It first realeased on monthly or weekly series by manga publishers along with a few other mangas in one book. Manga got axed cause people didnt really read them based on the reader feedback and they takeup a slot in the weekly/monthly series.
As far as i know the one that publish mangas initially isnt the one that print the volumes so i dont think bad sales in volumes contribute much with the axe

40 pages per volume might seem much, but for me at least, i dont think i would notice the diference if a volume of naruto only has 8 chapters. And even if its the same price as the one with 10 chapters i wouldnt mind it cause even for my third world ass, its not THAT much money that i would call it expensive. Manga papers are generally in low quality
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2020
I gotta be honest, I'm only reading this cause orangescans was translating it and then I just sorta kept going. This is the manga equivalent of potato chips. you eat one, feel vague gratification and then cannot recall the experience to save your life.


Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2019
Seraphsent made a perfect analogy. I only want to add that I want that fucking hero dead asap, he hasn't had much screen time but that fucker is as boring as it gets, hope the author gets threatened with getting axed and he forces and early kill on the hero or something.
Jun 16, 2020
Wtf this had such a cool job mechanic but they rushed it so fast and stopped him at sage. He didn’t even try to keep going for berserker. I doubt he will even level up anymore since the title is ‘sage’ and they even did all his leveling shit in like the first 10 chapters and now it’s just boring af basic isekai. This is shit, idk why it has an 8 rating..
Jan 18, 2021
One of the worst Isekai tales in existence, should have been named “In Another World With a Learning Disorder”...
I’ve read hundreds of Isekais by now and there’s only one other tale (though that one only screwed up the MC) that I hate as much as this one.
The MC - Touya - makes absolutely no sense as a character. He’s meant to be 35 y’s/o but he is characterised to act/react as if he’s the actual age of his very-young avatar (18’ish). He doesn’t go with the isekai Death March-styled “naive foreigner on holiday” vibe, but rather he genuinely seems to have a learning impediment... The author frames him the same way as every other young protagonist (like he’s a saint), except that he’s never intentionally a good person at all—in fact, the guy’s a total asshole to everyone and ONLY ever helps anyone out when he’s obligated to! Heck, even when it comes to our heroines, the only reason he begrudgingly progresses the story with them is because he ongoingly caves to ‘societal expectations’ that other, more mature adults in his surroundings, pressure him with in order to prevent him from completely fobbing off everyone. Be it a life-or-death battle involving others, be it a young maiden in distress, be it contributing to the community, the author MEANS for him to be identical to all other “saintly MCs” (like whatever this was copy/pasted from), but every single time the dynamics of the situation vary in some way that instead suggests that our MC is slow-witted, unfriendly, self-interested, selfish, unsympathetic, and incapable of assessing any of the situations he’s in beyond the simple calculation of ‘I’m safe’ & ‘Im not safe’ (and only in the immediate-present).

He’s an asshole. A total asshole. He’s not someone who lived for over 35 years, LET ALONE was a fking Office Worker?!? No fucking way, he has ZERO real-life skills, has ZERO interest in other human beings (literally the only relationship he forges of his own volition is WITH A NON-HUMAN ENTITY - A FUCKING SPIRIT!), he cannot grasp even a fraction of what the viewer can/is regarding his own situation or even the mechanics of the game that he was APPARENTLY #1 in the world at (& supposedly after years upon years of grinding more than anyone else in the game - which is completely contradictory & at-odds with his supposed full-time job???)... The guy is a fucking moron—and it absolutely doesn’t help that the artwork is both uninspired copy-pasta (that, frankly, could have been computer-generated & would probs still be more expressive & artistic), and is trying to portray an artstyle that’s simple to digest & fast to understand, meaning that characters (esp. our MC) don’t express complicated emotions, so the MC only has child-like facial dynamics suitable for someone under the age of 15... It’s completely fucked - WHO is the target-demographic for this story anyway!?! 35 Y/O OFFICE WORKERS? AN AVATAR FOR TEENS?! SIMPLE SCENARIO-BUILDING & FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, BUT COMPLEX WORLD-BUILDING, SOCIO-POLITICS, & WORLD-MECHANICS/SYSTEMS?!?! ...... -.-

Literally 1/10, only because the lore of the universe/world & the mechanics of them (MMO-world etc) are quite pleasant, easy to follow (despite moderate-complexity), and the first time I’ve seen this kind of MMO arrangement - it was fun... Lmao, I’d give it anywhere up to a 3-4/10 if they even THOUGHT to explore said mechanics nearly as much as they laid-out expectations for.... As someone else said: “a game where you change classes every 100 levels, & our temporary antagonist has over 700 levels worth of job-evolutions; WHY-OH-WHY DID THE PROTAGONIST STOP EVOLVING & JOB-CHANGING AFTER LEVEL 200?!?”.

Trash. I can’t recommend this at all because it does everything in its power to betray every.single.expectation that you’ll either ‘BE expecting’ or will ‘be told TO expect’. It’s like seeing a grown man that looks friendly & is well-dressed, refuse to use the toilet before you only to soil himself. And then to repeat that process every chapter.

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