1. I would say it's important to point out the hypocrisy of complaining about whataboutism even in this comment but it's magically ok when you do it?
2. Meanwhile you often reply to like 3-4 people in comments don't really see much of a difference between that and leaving seperate comments for each reply. That being said I do admit I am going overboard.
3. Yes being mean and bullying a person doing free work for no other reason other then poor quality to me is far more important then the quality of work. I don't want the things I consume to be made by someone who bullies any others in attempts to stop just so they are the only work that can bee seen. Like don't like it don't read it or comment about it idk why this concept is hard.
4. To say the entire subject is just about mtl quality is a giant strawman when this drama would not have even started if it wasn't for Kirin as you put it "being mean."
1. yes, I'm a hypocrite like every human being to have ever existed, and?
still doesn't change the fact that so far nobody gave an actual argument of why garbage mtl should be accepted.
it was still all whataboutism, deflection, denial, misdirection.
me being a hypocrite don't invalidate my arguments.
2. true I do reply a little too much perhaphs, but not spamming because I don't clog the discussion, plus some of my comments have hours between them, not my fault if not many people talked by then.
also, even if I reply to multiple people I try to keep it as short as possible, so that's irrelevant.
3. "free work" is a bullshit excuse, this isn't work, it's worthless pathetic waste of time to get attention when a better translation already existed, if I went rub shit in your house would you be happy because I said it was free work?
we both know the answer for that.
your low standards are your own problem, people have no obligation of lowering themselves to your level.
also, it's utterly laughable that you whine about bullying when Bakwan TL isn't even here, because they literally don't give a single fuck about it, they're not even defending themselves, they just added a pathetic excuse in the first page to appease idiots who eat garbage, they got their pat in the back from people like you, that's all that matters for them.
as for what you want and your feelings, don't like it, don't read it, nobody forcing you to read Kirin-kun translation or paticipate in the discussion, and your opinion will continue to be discarded because it don't have anything to do with the real problem, problem by the way that is the real cause of the "bullying" you whine about, if people didn't release garbage they wouldn't get backlash.
also, nobody has obligation to give a single fuck about your feelings, if you want to talk about your feelings go cry on twitter.
4. now that is an actual strawman, because the entire drama literally only happens because of idiots releasing garbage, this would literally never happen if some random moron who don't know english or japanese decided to "translate" a manga.
is Kirin-kun a little of an asshole at times? yes absolutely, but you still can't counter any of their actual arguments, you only use whataboutism, deflection, denial, misdirection, appeal to emotion.
seriously, it's not even really about Kirin-kun, this kinda of drama happens every single time some loser low effort snipes a serie being translated by someone else, every single fucking time, the fact that you focus solely on Kirin-kun proves how much of a strawman argument this is.
you're literally projecting your own grievances of "harrassement" and "bullying" on Kirin-kun.
this is all cause and effect, do shit on the internet and you'll get backlash, what a shock, if you can't deal with how the internet is go to a echo chamber safe space instead.
opinion once again discarded because not even
once you're able to defend garbage mtl for garbage mtl sake.
plus it's pathetically hilarious how you all white knight for Bakwan TL when they're not even here, they started the fire in the circus and they're having fun watching the clowns run around since this kind of thing causes drama every single fucking time.
so I guess good job Bakwan TL, you fucking did it