Show Me Your Bust - Ch. 18

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
What the hell
I never thought I'd say it but there's too many sex scenes in this manhwa, just move the story forwards already
Yes, I agree with that one. The "main" couple has had no room to progress or even start developing really. So I'm not sure if this couple (Pink/Blue) is the main or what is supposed to be happening with Brown. It's been 18 chapters and only this Pink/Blue has had any intrigue associated with them.

On another note: The story is missing some clear forward momentum, meaning I'm not sure what anyone's goals (or complications) are still. The bust stuff hasn't actually been as integral as I assumed it would be and hasn't created very much tension yet. I mean even that slap apparently meant nothing? We've just moved past it and this chapter (and likely the next) is just more sex with little necessary meaning behind it. The narrative is so unbalanced right now. And beyond that, the story has been more slice-of-life with casual sleeping around (which is fine, Blue is doing nothing wrong but I assume the story intends for more than that). I'm hoping something happens within the next 2 or so chapters that make the story's goals (and character dynamics) clearer.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
Imagine she actually kisses her friend a few chapters ago... And then does this. Tbf, I'm still kinda mad but I would be even more.

See you in two chapters when sexge is over and we can deal with the aftermath
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2020
I'm so lost, and it's not that I'm that bad with names (I'm bad) but still what is going on? Lol
Aggregator gang
Feb 12, 2023
Thanks for the upload!

If it's going to be like their earlier work, the nice girl will win in the end.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2020
How are we supposed to get any progress with the actual main couple if Jiho is sticking her tongue into the pink haired hussy every other chapter smh.
It's still waaay to early for that. From a story standpoint Yeon-woo is the catalyst for Woo-hui to get all lesbo with Ji-ho. Without her they would just remain friends forever. She needs to "date" Ji-ho to make Woo-hui super jealous, and get her to want to stick her tongue into Ji-ho.

Also this all but proves she's just using Jiho yet Jiho is blind by how hot she is.
Yeon-woo was very clear about only looking for sex, and not a relationship. And given her backstory it's understandable. If Ji-ho is looking for more (we know she does, but anyway), that's on her. And yes she's possessive, insecure, and sending mixed signals, but she is meant to be a Femme Fatal, at least for poor Ji-ho.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 4, 2021
saying your daughter is fat as a conversation starter? damn...what happened to hi, hello or how are you? where is the decorum :questionblob:
Active member
Mar 29, 2023
This chapter was very.... what?... like, even the banter during the spicy scene was all over and weird, barely made sense.

Am I hate reading this? At least I get lots of wholesome and juicy plot over in Long-Awaited Feelings, even if its p dang tame in the risque.

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