"Why can't w get along ?" Dunno, try not to kill her maybe ? Oh and yeah i get it "muh outisde world is cold" Yeah dude that's how it is and you have to deal with it like Pepesha deal with it. Just because you die when you have gone outside the orphonage doesn't mean the whole world is bad and even if it (because it is) you can't and you don't have to lock up people from the outside. Back to one of my previous comment, it's clearly the whole Adult vs Kids vision of world all over again. Sveta is afraid of the outside world because of one bad experience and think the orphonage is the safest place which is legit from HER point of view. Pepesha had also probably bad experiences from the outside world but did she think the orphonage was the best place to be ? No because she is an adult, she know the outside world can be cold and cruel but that's how it is.
You can't stay at one place all your life because you feel safe, i mean like here never go outside of the orphonage area. You have to confront the world and live your life. I think the part of Sveta who think that is her childish part (at least if Sveta is really Pepesha's mom) as her adult probably know the coldness of the world but is mute prbably due to Stigma's powers. The villains are not villains per se, they just have the mindset of kids who cannot understand the adult world.