SHY - Vol. 4 Ch. 28 - What Remains

Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
When someone tells Stimga a world with only children can't reproduce, it will be like the ending to Fallout 1 with the Master all over again...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
So i wasn't that far when i was saying Sveta reasoning was the reasoning of a child. Feel like the whole manga is indeed about Childs vs Adults. Stigma's goal is not bad per se but it's just too utopic. You not gonna go far with a world with only childrens. One there is the reproduction yes, but there also what did you do ? Is there rules ? Is there a leader ? Fitting since it's a child's goal, thinking the adults are the sources of all problems. The only questions i had know is what did make Stigma like this and why did he had that goal ?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
@Tamerlane @Lilliwyt

Adults: even if you have a literal genie who can grant you any desire you want, your plan is fatally flawed because children can't reproduce!

Children who just wished for there to be no adults, for no-one to grow old or to become ill, for no-one ever to die and for everyone to be able to eat any food they want and always be happy: for some reason we think the plan is just fine, thank you!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I sure hope there isn’t a Jimmy Saville or other pedo creep with godlike powers. Because this could get extremely dark if he gets into Stigma’s ‘paradise.’
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Children who just wished for there to be no adults, for no-one to grow old or to become ill, for no-one ever to die and for everyone to be able to eat any food they want and always be happy:

Like i said. Utopia. Not only it's extremely specific but it's very childish thought to think it will be nice. Maybe at the beginning but not in the long term.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
@Lilliwyt Considering the world created would be a literal dream world made into reality, any possible negative wouldn't happen because the magic that created the world would fix it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
@KZO That's why i hate those kind of bullshit OP Power/Magic. I mean, again, it's like when Child play Super Heroes and said they have all super powersand no weakness. It's the same her "But there is some downside" "No because I negate all the downsides"
Active member
May 14, 2018
Don't drink too much, kids, the power of Vodka is not real.

Despite how I couldn't care less about Mama, this was actually a pretty decent wrap up. I hope we can get a couple of slice of life chapters now.

The ring is probably a key to Stigmas world. If so, here we go down the Saint Seiya route.
Active member
May 14, 2018
About the villain's endgame. It in fact doesn't have logic and is doomed to fail because it's based on a childish reasoning. And just like with Svetta's world, if you have a strong enough will you can overcome it (author is probably into Evangelion and shit). The children themselves would probably be able to free themselves once they realise the truth, probably inspired by the heroes.

I'm not sure if the author is doing it on purpose and wants to write the narrative around this, but she just made her final villain into the real underdog of this manga. He is dangerous and can cause harm to the heroes but his own endgame is doomed to fail.

Now my main complaint is how shallow and black and white Stigma's goal is being presented. Right now there's no nuance to the "I want to create an utopia and you're in the way" and as we've seen in this arc, no sad backstory will be enough to solve this. The heroes are and will be right against Stigma as they were against Svetta. I hope the author can prove me wrong and insert a good twist along the way, or just turn Stigma into a set up for a true final boss.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Short running probably,
The author seems fairly new about making a story, and only has known few doujin about Idol stuff from the pixiv.
While I think the story has been decent so far considering the shounen troupe laid everywhere just expect the worst honestly.

I am just here for the S U B T E X T, because you know... the author does make that kind of thing.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 17, 2018
Now that this arc seems to be done gimme some nice SoL chapters and totally not at all baity Momijiyama and Koishikawa goodness.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
Desire to protect Pesha has reached critical levels!

This arc is sweet, it's in my book of memorable story arcs

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